In spite of huge gas reserves, Libya's power plants mostly run on diesel fuel.
As of January, the New York Times reported KiOR sold only 1, 024 gallons of diesel fuel.
Compared with trucks, each train uses 100, 000 fewer gallons of diesel fuel, Pollak says.
Another 31 stations had no ethanol and 35 stations no longer had diesel fuel for sale.
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That increase came despite mandates for cleaner gasoline and diesel fuel, which take longer to make.
The problem is that both NOx and diesel fuel are hard to break down.
You smelled diesel fuel and Port-a-Potties and heard the echoes of talk radio and Patriot News.
First, companies that currently consume gasoline or diesel fuel must consider all avenues for fuel conversion.
By 2010, all highway diesel fuel sold in the U.S. must meet these new standards.
In other words, U.S. diesel fuel exports have risen more than 1, 250% between 2004 and 2008.
Operating costs for diesel fuel and steel in past years also showed sizable increments.
The end goal is to eventually replace gasoline and diesel fuel from cars and trucks.
Even diesel fuel itself was being reformulated to cut down on its sulfur content.
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Eventually we will convert natural gas to diesel fuel, but that technology is probably ten years away.
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By 2005 Toyota wants to build 300, 000 hybrid vehicles, powered by gas or diesel fuel and batteries.
In Hawaii, diesel fuel taxes now average 76.3 cents a gallon, compared with 51 cents for gasoline.
This mixture dissolves readily in diesel fuel and binds water to it without any need for stirring.
While nearly all other Alaskan villages have to import diesel fuel, Barrow runs on locally produced natural gas.
Again on the plus side, natural gas burns cleaner than petroleum or diesel fuel, offering two important advantages.
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Supplies like food, water, diesel fuel and ammunition make up the other 80%.
Octane, heptane, pentane, esters of nonanol, heptanol, hexanol--all hydrocarbons common to diesel fuel.
Reducing Harmful Emissions From Diesel Engines: The United States consumed about 50 billion gallons of diesel fuel in 2006.
So this will also address the diesel fuel supply issue that's existential there.
The ultra-clean, synthetic diesel fuel is made from animal fats, such as beef tallow, pork lard and chicken fat.
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The U.S. currently consumes about 190 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel annually to meet its transportation fuel needs.
Because diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines, the use of diesel fuel is expected to continue to expand.
To make adsorption more feasible, ArvinMeritor engineers went looking for a substance other than diesel fuel to attack the NOx.
The forces of diesel have an important addition: the first half-ton pickup truck that will be powered by clean-diesel fuel.
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The company says it could save an estimated 84 million gallons of diesel fuel annually if the technology becomes widespread.
The physics and economics of coal and diesel fuel look and work the same on both sides of the Atlantic.
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