• Young Qataris grow up in this environment and into a land of wealth and privilege very different from their parents, most of whom experienced so little of the modern world that they did not even know their own date of birth.

    BBC: Qatar: regional backwater to global player

  • Last week I received e-mails from two different people, each of whom wanted to meet with me.

    FORBES: Just Schedule It Already!

  • According to Ron Borsch's study for the Force Science Research Center at Minnesota State University-Mankato, active shooters are different from the gangsters and other street toughs whom a police officer might engage in a gunfight.

    WSJ: David Kopel: Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown

  • Yet Louis was quite different from his father and grandfather, both of whom had been distinguished lighthouse engineers.

    ECONOMIST: Literary lives

  • Universities already admit students from across the globe, each of whom apply with different qualifications.

    BBC: generic pupils sitting exam

  • There are complications that come from a premise designed to show "different" sides of characters whom several generations have been raised on.

    CNN: Review: 'The Muppets' still finding its felting

  • Mr Carter (to whom Mr Dean talks regularly) seized the White House by presenting himself as a very different creature from the hapless president he later became.

    ECONOMIST: A toothy nightmare for Republicans

  • There are also questions about how beneficiaries will be identified and targeted in a transparent manner in a country where there are different official estimates of the poorest of the poor - from 37% to 77% of the people, depending on whom you believe.

    BBC: India food law: The hungry republic

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