Without it, symptoms can range from digestive disorders to very serious illnesses including osteoporosis and bowel cancer.
And because it's dissolved, it passes more easily across gills and into digestive systems.
"Grossology, " a 32-foot walk through digestive tract, will open to the public this spring.
The aim for many people is to get their digestive system back on track.
And cheese, he says, breaks down into potentially addictive casomorphins in the digestive tract.
They also don't permanently alter the stomach or any other part of the digestive tract.
Invented by scientists in Schering-Plough's laboratories, it prevents cholesterol from being absorbed in the digestive system.
Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening disorder that causes severe damage to the lungs and digestive system.
An inherited condition, cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices.
These fluids contain enzymes that break down food as part of the digestive process.
Probiotics, found in yoghurt or sauerkraut, have been shown to aid your digestive system.
The foods promise to boost immunity, protect your heart and digestive system or help you sleep.
Cystic fibrosis is a serious genetic disorder which damages the lungs and digestive system.
Alternative therapies offer treatment for all complaints, from circulation and digestive problems to depression and stress.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Medical notes | Complementary medicines: A guide
Go to see your doctor if you think that you have a digestive problem.
Serotonin and other neurotransmitters produced by gut neurons help the digestive track push food through the gut.
Eventually their digestive bacteria normalize, but that delay could give allergen exposure time to develop into a sensitivity.
Who knows the specific dietary needs, the digestive tract, and unique eating habits of a Labrador Retriever better?
The substance, which is found in the digestive system of sperm whales, is valuable and used in perfume.
In the study the researchers infused chemicals which block digestive enzymes into the intestines of seriously ill rats.
This pill travels through your digestive tract wirelessly transmitting your core body temperature.
Defects in it cause the pancreas to dissolve in infancy, necessitating a lifetime on pig-derived digestive enzymes and vitamins.
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases funded the study.
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"The digestive enzymes are powerful - they have an amazing ability to digest most biological material, " Dr Schmid-Schonbein said.
But Lifeway continues to tout ProBugs' digestive benefits as if nothing has happened.
Complications include profuse bleeding in the digestive system that can lead to death.
There is zero statistical evidence in the literature that digestive problems are increasing.
Camera pills, which pass through your digestive tract taking pictures and transmitting them out are available from Given Imaging.
The pancreas is an organ in the mid-abdomen that secretes digestive fluids through the pancreatic duct into the small bowel.
The drug is given on top of an existing statin, and further lowers cholesterol by absorbing it in the digestive system.