Like Google, exfm is a registered DMCA (Digital MilleniumCopyrightAct 1998) safe harbor and will comply to any take-down orders for infringing links from copyright holders.
This means that the court has decided that YouTube is protected by the safe harbor of the DigitalMilleniumCopyrightAct (DMCA) against claims of copyright infringement.
The two face lawsuits from Sony under the DigitalMilleniumCopyrightAct for publishing methods that break the digital protections on the PlayStation 3 to allow the use of unauthorized programs.
The case was closely followed not just because it pitted old media vs. new, but because it could determine the limits of the DigitalMilleniumCopyrightAct, the law governing copyright infringement online.
To what degree the French ruling will apply to Google and Dailymotion's operations isn't clear: User-generated video sites in the U.S. are protected by the "safe harbor" provision of the DigitalMilleniumCopyrightAct of 1999.