Mr Calislar is sure Mr Dink's murder is part of a far broader resistance to reform.
Gates and his Windows are the logical extension of Winky Dink and his Magic Window.
High-yield does not mean necessarily putting money with a rinky-dink company stuck in Backwater, America.
"I have this rinky-dink car that does not do well in this, " Grove said.
Among the finest of these was Hrant Dink, an ethnic Armenian editor who was murdered in 2007.
But Winky Dink's influence lives on in every screen that every person today regards as a two-way window.
Mr Sener dug into alleged police complicity in the 2007 murder of Hrant Dink, an Armenian-Turkish newspaper publisher.
"Send your name and address, along with 50 cents, to Winky Dink, Box 5, New York, 19, New York!"
Winky Dink and Gates both saw the true back-and-forth possibilities of those screens.
Spritely Silva's attempted dink was then snuffed out by Pantilimon before Jo was off target with a free header.
Turner made them pay three minutes later when he was on the end of a move created by Shaun Berrigan's dink-kick.
There is a line that occasionally pops up in Winky Dink-related literature.
As Mr Dink argued, recognition of Turkey's past misdeeds would best come from unfettered debate among Turks, not from vote-seeking foreign politicians.
Everton's defenders played a hopeless offside trap, leaving Garcia through on goal but his dink was slapped away by an advancing Tim Howard.
Winky Dink guilted them into sending in the 50 cents so they weren't deprived of what every other kid on the block was doing.
With the first SEC Championship 1992, pitting Alabama and Florida at the rather rinky-dink Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama, a beast was born.
It will be only fitting and right if the three faces on the side of the mountain are those of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Winky Dink.
Winky Dink's adventures were not all that spectacular -- but it is what he asked the children watching the show to do that heralded a cultural change.
Scott took over a rinky-dink TV station on the island and beefed it up with a morning show from the Rope Walk, a restaurant in Nantucket Town.
Mr Sener is best known for a book that documents the complicity of the police in the 2007 murder of Hrant Dink, a Turkish journalist of Armenian origin.
What Gates has accomplished is essentially Winky Dink writ large.
He believes the case is connected to the recent arrests of generals, academics and journalists linked to a string of murders, including that of an ethnic-Armenian editor, Hrant Dink.
After the Armenian newspaper editor Hrant Dink was gunned down on an Istanbul street in 2007, Birand told me he was now living with protection from a body guard.
Winky Dink said he wanted the children to mail away for a "Magic Window, " which was actually a cheaply produced, thin sheet of plastic that adhered to the TV screen by static electricity.
Gerrard drove in the resultant spot-kick before Liverpool's pressure, including a well-timed Lucas Leiva tackle, left him to wonderfully dink past De Sanctis and enhance his reputation as the Anfield side's captain marvel.
For a movie like "Wrath of the Titans, " which is basically "Gladiator" crossed with "Lord of the Rings" crossed with a special-effects demo reel (call it "Lord of the Rinky-Dink"), he's the perfect actor.
One of the loudest critics of the French law, which first came before parliament in 2006, was Hrant Dink, an Armenian newspaper owner who was murdered in Istanbul by an ultranationalist youth in 2007.
He knew they had the ear and the respect of the most powerful men not only in the Levee district, but the entire city: Big Jim Colosimo, Ike Bloom, Bathhouse John and Hinky Dink Kenna.