The advisor of Her Highness Office (HHO), the Director of UNESCO Doha Office, the Project Manager at UNESCO Iraq Office, high level officials within the Ministry of Education in Baghdad and KRG, and partner international and national NGOs will participate in the meeting.
"Year 2000 has made us realize that we do not operate in a vacuum, but rather exist in a series of interconnective channels, partnering with citizens, governments and businesses to successfully provide services and fulfill our responsibilities, " said Bette Dillehay, director of the CDCI Project office.
CNN: Virginia to host national Y2K summit
The Simon Wiesenthal Center found Csizsik-Csatary as part of its Last Chance project, said Efraim Zuroff, director of the center's Israel office.
CNN: Nazi war crimes suspect arrested in Hungary
The problem, he says, is the little-discussed role of the National Security Agency in the project, in partnership with the DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
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