He was invited to Washington to advise on the poverty program, but left in disgust.
But, much to the disgust of the Upton Park crowd, no one could convert Cole's cross.
Can happy or positive emotions be communicated in the same manner as fear and disgust?
Our response is saved from disgust by the extreme heroism of her suffering and endurance.
The investing public's disgust with the fund industry has created a good environment for reform.
Lots of savers and professional investors quit in disgust, taking big losses as US inflation receded.
"He was no Nazi, " Bush wrote, and resigned his NRA life membership in disgust.
Hong Kong web users have flooded online forums to express their disgust with the proposal.
Mary starts in disgust with the audience and ends exorcised, open, her heart beating with ours.
Which brings us back to that impatience or disgust with the American ties to Pakistan.
One of the universally understood facial gestures is disgust, involving a downturn of the mouth.
FORBES: How to Detect Respect - or Disrespect: Body Language Quick Takes #7
Luxembourg and Italy have given up in disgust - how long before we follow suit?
Food is a marvelous window through which to examine the multifaceted emotion of disgust.
And, in fact, when they are forced to pay attention to it, they recoil in disgust.
For the time being they are standing together in disgust, everyday differences cast aside.
Many voters supported the Conservatives out of disgust with both the Liberals and the Sandinists.
ECONOMIST: Could the Sandinist leader return to the presidency?
John Lennon, not a man usually offended, shielded his wife and walked out in disgust.
Besides, to the disgust of his own progressive base, Mr Obama enacted no extreme policies.
Public disgust, sensible preaching and heavy-handed policing eventually drained the pool of jihadi recruits.
The upshot of this extraordinary tangle is paralysis in government, and disgust on the street.
But clearly the Sandusky matter ratches our collective horror and disgust to the highest degree.
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In Tokyo and Osaka last year, they demonstrated their disgust by electing former comedians as city governors.
Volunteers' enthusiasm turned to anger and disgust as the full extent of the riot damage was revealed.
The catalog of problems exposed by the commission's report prompted expressions of dismay and disgust in Australia.
The aluminum sculptures seem playful but express a disgust with the destruction of childhood innocence through commercialization.
Day after day billions were lost and in disgust employees threw up their hands and gave up.
Trump, No. 128 on the Forbes 400, also expressed his disgust with the current GOP race.
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Butler academies and guilds have received angry letters from the public reflecting disgust at Mr Burrell's treachery.
Our performance matched the sunshine with some wide, open, fast flowing rugby - much to my disgust!
She remembered watching television in disgust as a Pakistani general surrendered, with a hug, to an Indian.