• An eminent, eminently dislikable criminal defense lawyer, Venetia Aldridge, is found stabbed to death at her desk.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • She may have been wrong, and personally dislikable, even insufferable, but why undermine her in this way?

    NEWYORKER: Battle Stations

  • Thatcher may have been wrong about many things and personally dislikable, even insufferable, but she changed the culture of Britain, so why undermine her in this way?

    NEWYORKER: The Iron Lady

  • The movie, in the end, is about the misuse of sexual power and the cannibalizing nature of artists, but mostly it consists of endless, nagging dialogue scenes among remarkably dislikable people.

    NEWYORKER: The Shape of Things

  • To the degree that our involvement in the film depends on our distress at her demise, all is lost in the first few minutes. (It's lost again in the last few minutes of a surprise ending.) Yet Grace is no more dislikable than anyone else on screen.

    WSJ: Film Review

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