All this means that it will be tough for Google to dislodge Apple from its digital-music throne.
ECONOMIST: The web giant launches a rival to Apple��s iTunes
It's true of natural gas "fracking, " where liquid is injected into the ground to dislodge gas from cracks in the rock.
It was going to finally dislodge Google from its undisputed place atop the search heap and change the way we ordered information online.
The first was that Miss Megawati and her coalition partners would win a substantial share of the vote, but fail to dislodge Golkar from government.
Smith, who has been at Ibrox since 2002, has been unable to dislodge Papac from Walter Smith's side and has been plagued by a pelvic problem.
Many others have tried to dislodge fans away from Rush Limbaugh, including former Senator Fred Thompson.
Known for firing off harsh letters lambasting corporate executives and board members of companies he is targeting, in 2012 Loeb led a successful effort to dislodge Scott Thompson from the CEO position at Yahoo and replace him with Marissa Mayer.
Novartis' breakthrough cancer drug Gleevec helped somewhat but failed to dislodge the mutant cells from their hideout inside his bone marrow.
Novartis (nyse: NVS - news - people )' breakthrough cancer drug Gleevec helped somewhat but failed to dislodge the mutant cells from their hideout inside his bone marrow.
The prime minister, who was in Basra overseeing the fighting in its early days, brushed off criticism that the widespread action was poorly planned, was politically motivated and failed to dislodge the renegade militias from their strongholds across the southern city.
However, that was not enough to dislodge the latest James Bond film Skyfall from the top of the chart.
French officials have expressed concerns about the possibility of greater instability in Libya, where they believe at least some rebel fighters from Mali fled following France's military onslaught to dislodge al-Qaida-linked militants who controlled the vast north of the West African country for months.