In a city of dissembling self-promoters, he works hard every day for the common good.
Decoration, after all, implies dissembling, something that would become anathema to the form-follows-function crowd.
The same dissembling does not occur with the New York Post and its gossip column Page Six.
Then you look at her and smile a smile your dissembling face will remember until the day you die.
If Team Romney are dissembling, they are not doing it just for fun - there is strategy behind the spin.
Tragically, at a moment when we urgently need clarity about that threat, not more dissembling, we have gotten pap, not answers.
The goal is obviously worth any amount of dissembling: you go girl!
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But I think in many cases, unfortunately, it is also true that people know and they're simply dissembling, or just lying to us.
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But confidence had been sapped by the dissembling, and along came East Asia's downturn to further weaken Japan's banks and to cut exporters' profits.
And he believes it wrong that, thanks to bipartisan dissembling by politicians, Americans do not realize taxes will go up and will be shocked when it happens.
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So despite today's discovery, we Brits are likely to remain split on Richard down the old lines: murdering, crook-backed, dissembling Shakespearean monster versus misunderstood, loyal, enlightened, slandered hero.
The more we watch these two Ivy League know-it-alls, the more we see their faults, their icy calculations, their shifts and shadings, their clever juggling and dissembling in the manner of high-priced consultants and lawyers everywhere.
What sustains it is the three-way chemistry of the ingratiating Everyguy Crystal, the pathetically vulnerable, almost fetal Stern, and the dissembling know-it-all Lovitz, who does a virtuoso job of teetering between being an idiot savant and an idiot.
It might seem unimaginable that Bush Administration officials, such as Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and State Department Legal Advisor John Bellinger, could get away with dissembling beforea Senate committee led by a Democrat who wants to be considered a serious contender for the presidency.