• Huawei noted that video-surveillance systems can be used for traffic management, long-distance education and local security.

    WSJ: Belarus Seeks China-Made Surveillance Gear

  • The first GIA scholarship application cycle for 2012 runs through Oct. 30 for on-campus, distance education and lab classes.

    FORBES: GIA Offers Scholarships for Jewelry and Gemology Classes

  • The distance education programme of Madanpokhara CMC, called Hamro Pathshala (Our School) first went on air in August 2005.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • The second cycle, which runs from March 1 through April 30, 2012, is for distance education and lab classes only.

    FORBES: GIA Offers Scholarships for Jewelry and Gemology Classes

  • Kristine conceived the idea of the successful Lifeline radio, the first radio designed and engineered for distance education and children living on their own.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • By developing low-cost distance education programs new companies have found new markets, especially among working adults who want to get a degree without giving up their full-time jobs.

    FORBES: The Growing Potential Of Free Market Education

  • Expanding from this initial use of the U.S. Postal Service for course correspondence, distance education moved towards live radio shows in 1921 and then televised broadcasts in 1963.

    FORBES: Distance Learning Has Been Around Since 1892, You Big MOOC

  • To provide education for these groups, the National Centre for Non-Formal and Distance Education (NFDE) was established under the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (MECS) to coordinate all the efforts done at the national level.

    UNESCO: Herder Families Literacy and Life Skills

  • The award ceremony - appropriately, for students who had studied a masters course in distance education - is expected to be the first of a series as more and more courses are delivered through the internet.

    BBC: Open University's online graduation

  • Concord Law is fully accredited by the California Bar Association and the Distance Education Training Council, the industry's national standard bearer, and most of Kaplan College's other online courses also are accredited through their associations and boards.

    CNN: Kaplan is starting an online college -- minus the keggers

  • It goes on to outline a variety of ways in which broadband is improving the lives of people around the world, in m-health, distance education and m-learning, via m-payment systems, and in improving the lives of women, promoting innovation and fostering the acquisition of new skills.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • While Harvard debates this issue, education experts say distance learning is here to stay.

    CNN: Do virtual classrooms make the grade?

  • Mr Tiana is Professor of Theory and History of Education at the National Distance University (UNED) in Spain.

    UNESCO: Quality in educational policy: Research and foresight

  • We are, for instance, committed to the Clinton Global Initiative and are working with UNICEF, the International Rescue Committee and Microsoft to launch an innovative new distance-learning program that provides supplementary education for 150, 000 displaced children and members of their host communities.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • We are, for instance, committed to the Clinton Global Initiative and are working with UNICEF, the International Rescue Committee and Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) to launch an innovative new distance-learning program that provides supplementary education for 150, 000 displaced children and members of their host communities.

    FORBES: Todd Bradley

  • Distance learning threatens one day to disrupt higher education by reducing the cost of college and by offering the convenience of a stay-at-home, do-it-on-your-own-time education.

    NEWYORKER: Get Rich U.

  • Thus, the United States still has some distance to go before achieving this heightened standard of basic education.

    UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section

  • Mr Clegg looked to distance his party from the Conservatives on issues like taxation, education and the NHS, saying it had "all the biggest ideas".

    BBC: Nick Clegg urges Lib Dems to 'keep winning'

  • The National Center for Education Statistics, a branch of the U.S. Department of Education, also found that the total enrollment in distance learning courses across all post-secondary degree-granting institutions roughly doubled -- from 754, 000 to 1.6 million -- from 1995 to 1997-98.

    CNN: fyi.com - Study: Public higher education embracing virtual classrooms

  • Inaugurated by Anshu Vaish, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, the conference explored ways to increase access to sustainable and learner-centred quality education and equip secondary school students with vocational skills through open distance learning.

    UNESCO: Skills training: a time-bomb for India

  • This conference noted that open and distance learning, and specifically OERs, present opportunities to widen access to quality education.


  • The project is aimed at transferring the ECCA Adult Distance Learning System technologies to the DGAEA in order to help it implement the national adult education and training system.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Cape Verde

  • A. offerings, which include a distance course in partnership with Ontario-based Queen's School of Business and an executive education program in New York.

    WSJ: Dean of Cornell's Johnson School: Reflecting on Five Years of Tenure

  • Miller is expected to grill Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings about why her agency didn't do more to put some distance between lenders and schools.

    NPR: Report: JPMorgan Chase Paid Student-Aid Officers

  • According to an International Data Corp. study, the number of college students taking distance learning courses will triple to 2.2 million by 2002, or 15 percent of all higher education students.

    CNN: fyi.com - Study: Public higher education embracing virtual classrooms

  • These and other education investments leverage technology in ways that make learning easier, faster and more rewarding--from facilitating distance learning, to constructing computer labs, to providing cutting-edge equipment to innovative teachers around the world.

    FORBES: Todd Bradley

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