Eli Lilly is also developing another GLP-1 that is distinct from the Amylin products.
The 108-acre city-state has its own judicial system, distinct from the Italian judicial system.
CNN: No cardinal suspected of pope papers leak, Vatican insists
It was taught as a special subject quite distinct from the theory and practice of architecture.
Certainly Armenia, as distinct from the Armenians of Karabakh, has softened its stance significantly.
The private suits were distinct from the government antitrust suit, which sought no monetary damages.
This is distinct from being simply a country that is Third World with some rich people.
Distinct from tax returns, FBARs are due each June 30 for the preceding year.
It is distinct from Congress' power to enact laws that govern the land and naval forces.
This type of problem solving is neurologically distinct from analytic or strategic problem solving.
There is occasional misunderstanding to the effect that perjury is somehow distinct from 'obstruction of justice.
This is distinct from privatization in which shares are created and then sold to investors.
It would be distinct from the commercial service, which Worldwide would run, and which would take advertising.
Unionists have a culture distinct from, and in many ways alien to, that of the rest of Ireland.
Well, I guess, you can consider business as distinct from banking and finance, where the trust is much lower.
Research suggests the Welsh are genetically distinct from the rest of mainland Britain.
This is distinct from older anesthetics, which caused nausea and vomiting, he said.
The deputy prime minister said African debt was distinct from the Iraq debt.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | Prime Minister's Questions
She kept reminding me that the campaign was distinct from the platform, but went on the answer the questions regardless.
"The American West is often considered the birthplace of America, where Americans were distinct from their European counterparts, " says Searles.
But while recalling the motherland helps the immigrants understand themselves, their identity is distinct from the people they left behind.
Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland, Mr Sheridan said the SSP is distinct from other parties who have been offering stale policies.
That's distinct from another common form of the disease, hepatitis A, which takes a fecal-oral route via food or household objects.
"They look like BBs, " he said, adding that the balls were distinct from the shrapnel thrown up from debris on the street.
As distinct from traditional "comping" in jazz, where the pianist and the chords follow the soloist around like a private eye, Messrs.
At the same time, the European banking system would have to be recapitalized and put under European, as distinct from national, supervision.
So I do buy the argument that the iPad Mini creates a new category, distinct from 7-inch Android tablets and 10-inch iPads.
FORBES: The iPad Mini-The iPad Enterprises Have Been Waiting For
There's one other aspect of the Targa that makes driving it hard distinct from rushing around in any all-metal 911--the motor noise.
It is distinct from the English Baccalaureate which the government recently announced.
BBC: 'Suffolk Baccalaureate' proposed by education authority
Ethnically distinct from Somalis, the Somali Bantu have always been social outcasts.
The company specializes in drug delivery systems, and it says that its delivery system is distinct from the one covered by AstraZeneca's patents.