What if, I thought, there were many different kinds of hacks in place distributed widely such that any one incident would seem to be a glitch, an anomaly.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, Glad You Won, But Can We Fix The Voting Machines Before 2016?
In fact, his articles have become a sort of faculty-ownership manifesto -- distributed widely over the Internet and cited in coverage from the Atlantic Monthly to the Chronicle of Higher Education.
CNN: Technology - Analysis: Setting the payment standards of online-education
If you look at income gains in America over the last 10 years, you will find that, on average, people got richer, but the wealth created during that period did not get distributed widely.
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While there were other small brewers and brewpubs, Sam Adams was hugely responsible for jump starting the American craft brewing revolution of the late 20th century, as the first big public face of beer that was made lovingly in relatively tiny batches yet distributed widely enough for people to actually taste and buy.
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Second, intelligence reports will be distributed more widely and quickly, he added.
The phones wouldn't replace radios, but they would be distributed more widely and would ideally operate in conjunction with older equipment, officials said.
Physicians and test makers are split over whether the test should be distributed more widely, with some test makers beginning to sell to the broader market.
Money is a widely distributed machine whose purpose is to compute the value of goods and services.
Typically, the IG reports are not supposed to be widely distributed or shared.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Erdogan | The White House
These jobs are widely distributed across the nation: 16 states have more than 150, 000 people employed by hydrocarbon-related activities.
FORBES: Jobs In a Ripple-Out Economy Come From Oil, Gas, Coal, and Then the Cloud
The world's most widely distributed column, it has run in 1, 400 newspapers with a daily readership of 100 million.
BBC: 'Dear Abby' author Pauline Friedman Phillips dies at 94
The original weibo post was re-tweeted almost 90, 000 times, received over 18, 000 comments and was widely distributed across local media.
Selling a portion of the channel to the cable companies virtually guaranteed that SNY would be widely distributed from the start.
Strange to tell, in 1981, cable was a fringe medium, not yet very widely distributed, its future by no means certain.
In theory, the internet is meant to be widely distributed and heavily resilient, with many possible routes between any two destinations.
We are heading into an instrumented world, in which intelligence is widely distributed across the physical landscape, turning everything into, in effect, a machine.
Then as now, the answer is that humility in economics requires an admission that knowledge is widely distributed through markets, not captured in curricula.
Cheap, widely distributed bandwidth and advanced networking technologies are divorcing an ever-growing segment of the population from traditionally "real" constraints like geography and socio-economic status.
" As for West Nile virus, the villainous mosquito here "is the most widely distributed mosquito in the world, common on every continent but Antarctica.
The trouble with this conspiracy theory is that Rick made no secret of his views in 2009, which he outlined in widely distributed public documents.
Shale gas is much more widely distributed than the conventional sort.
This merger would create a new metropolitan university for Glamorgan and Gwent, with campuses widely distributed as at present throughout the Valleys, Cardiff and Newport.
These "mini-brains" are interconnected, making for a widely distributed nervous system.
Deadspin reported that widely distributed photographs of Lennay Kekua had been lifted from the Internet accounts of an unsuspecting woman whom the website declined to identify.
If the components of the system were so widely distributed, the frequently heard claim of ordinary Germans that they were unaware of the workings of the Final Solution cannot possibly be true.
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According to an informal survey of retailers by tobacco analysts at Wells Fargo Securities it has not been widely distributed and it has not been well received by those who do offer it.
After 90 days, a-syn proteins resembling Lewy bodies were widely distributed throughout the central nervous system of the first group, suggesting a-syn from diseased tissues had a highly potent seeding effect, researchers said.
Widely distributed Android malware has exploited known security vulnerabilities in the Android operating system for which fixes from Google existed, but which the vast majority of consumer devices had not received at the time of infection.
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