The big chains' distribution systems, so effective in stocking superstores in malls, are of little advantage in cyberspace.
With no inventory worries, they do not have to navigate entrenched distribution systems in overseas markets.
The factories and distribution systems were so disjointed that the company wasn't filling orders from dealers.
With the Nexus One phone, Google also presented a direct sales model that revamped current distribution systems.
Finally, the work rules prevent the Debtors from implementing alternative distribution systems into new, currently unserved markets.
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Some vaccines take 15 years to reach poorer countries, and many such countries still have rotten drug-distribution systems.
In the future, he adds, the concept could also be adapted to enhance the transport or distribution systems of large cities.
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At the top of the priority list must be improving the resilience of the nation's electric power generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
We can not just assume that people will enjoy the possibilities for pleasure and satisfaction in food available from newly emerging distribution systems.
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Coca-Cola (KO) or Pepsi (PEP) might easily pay several times revenues for a product that could easily be put in their distribution systems.
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In practice, quantum-key-distribution systems rely on sophisticated optical equipment to prepare, transmit and detect the individual polarised photons that make up the key.
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The rate hikes are designed to recover costs incurred by the company for grid modernization, upgrades in distribution systems, and manufacturing natural gas plants.
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The turbines passed a G59 test last week, which looks at safety standards required for the connection of a generating plant to existing distribution systems.
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The company also announced last week that it received a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers contract for work on military fuel distribution systems and fuel-storage complexes.
If you believe this transformation is occurring, if you believe the broken distribution systems are on the verge of being fixed, those recordings are dramatically undervalued.
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This decision was apparently made without warning to librarians contracted with Overdrive and other e-book distribution systems, many of whom are quite justifiably upset about the decision.
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Local food need not be organic, but buying direct from small farmers short-circuits industrial production and distribution systems in the same way that buying organic used to.
ISET, an alternative-energy institute at the University of Kassel, in Germany, continent-wide power distribution systems in a place like Europe would deal with both of these points.
Companies must maintain "good housekeeping" during a recession, such as product quality and good distribution systems, but he suggests that clear brand association and leadership comes through communication.
There have been booms in independent film-making before, but on previous occasions the studios have used their control of distribution systems and their libraries to fend off such competition.
Gunn likes low-cost global producers with efficient distribution systems.
Also federal generators are being distributed throughout the region to try to get refineries up and running, to get distribution systems up and running, and they can also be delivered to gas stations.
Supply chains are inefficient, distribution systems fragmented.
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The online travel website has seen better quarters, with higher taxes, increased spending on technology and content, and a push and pull between airlines and global distribution systems that took a toll in the last quarter of 2010.
Storage capacity requirements are growing due to the proliferation of video cameras and sensor networks, user generated content and its use in social networks, content distribution systems as well as on-line storage to support backups and disaster recovery.
And, of course, movies like The Future of Food and Food, Inc. really affected our world view, not to mention the regular diet of food-born illness reports, most of which are directly related to centralized, co-mingled food distribution systems.
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Development of unlicensed radio transmitting devices has already led to a wave of new consumer technologies, including Wi-Fi and other innovations like digital cordless phones and in-home video distribution systems that have generated billions of dollars of economic growth.
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The Fort-Worth based airline filed a lawsuit in Texas State court in Tarrant County Jan. 10 against Sabre, the travel network that operates one of the global distribution systems (GDS) that American has claimed is a costly way to continue doing business.
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Its distribution and stocking systems, the company has admitted, let it down to the extent that customers attracted by promotions simply could not find the goods they were being prompted to buy.
He also waxed philosophical on distribution and the strange systems in place that have allowed him to become so ungodly wealthy.