London has seen a wave of "copycat criminal activity" since the initial disturbance, the Met Police said.
However, Mr Baggott said officers had to weigh up whether intervening would create a greater disturbance.
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It can trigger a heart attack or even potentially worse a lethal heart rhythm disturbance.
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At age 12, he reportedly created a disturbance in the classroom with his unsolicited singing.
In four years the price of gold--the best barometer of monetary disturbance--has shot up almost 80%.
Evil is a superficial manifestation of a deep disturbance and imbalance in our collective psyche.
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They found that two thirds had experienced at least one type of emotional disturbance in childhood.
If you make a disturbance here, we will be hunted out of these mountains.
The police said a large number of men and women took part in the disturbance.
During the disturbance at the jail near Arundel, several buildings were burnt to the ground.
In the disturbance derby of the plot, Pat runs several lengths ahead of Tiffany.
Leonardo da Rosa was dancing when he saw what looked like "a big disturbance".
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Among their suggestions: Treadmills should have noise-muffling technology to minimize disturbance to office neighbors.
The disturbance happened at Ibrox Subway Station prior to the game on 21 January 2012.
Rescue workers spent hours trying to save the children by hand, careful not to cause more disturbance.
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The other is chaos theory, which explains how a tiny disturbance can cascade into a large effect.
Any disturbance caused by or to Gloucester City Homes tenants will be addressed by housing association staff.
Cairin McGarry inflicted seven wounds on Patrick Galt during the disturbance in Armadale on 18 November 2011.
BBC: Cairin McGarry jailed for West Lothian flat knife attack
Three Aberdeen fans have been sentenced over a large-scale disturbance with Rangers fans in Glasgow last January.
Elderly members of the public were caught up in the disturbance, which also forced traffic to a standstill.
We therefore decided to try our luck with an unscheduled visit, and we apologize profusely for the disturbance.
The Metropolitan Police are questioning the 52-year-old about a reported disturbance at the Sports and Social Club bar.
This year, only a minor disturbance is expected: a Wednesday demonstration by phone-company workers over a local grievance.
Officers were called after reports of a disturbance involving four men on the verge of the eastbound carriageway.
He pleaded guilty to reckless disturbance of a Schedule 1 bird under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
The disturbance began on the ground floor of the grandstand and then spread to the racecourse itself, police said.
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Was it the first sign of a disturbance that had been growing secretly?
Police, who have launched an appeal for witnesses, said the man may have been chased following a disturbance nearby.
Officers said the men were arrested less than an hour after the disturbance.
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The MIT officer was responding to a disturbance when he was fired upon, according to the state district attorney's office.