"When you're number one in the world, the smaller fights don't mean anything so you're not going to do the proper training and eat the right food and do the right things, " said McCullough, a former bantamweight world champion.
"If you do the right things every day for the right reasons, the right things will happen, " the speaker said.
Above all, America must not let the things which it cannot do right away stop it from doing the things that it must do right away.
How do we change the rules so that those companies can, in turn, do the right things?
Instead our faith revolved around the notion that when we do the right things in some strange and unaccountable way the universe takes notice.
It is not -- these are not goals that are somehow worthy unto themselves, because the point here is to do the right things by our economy so that we create the kind of confidence that allows for more job creation and more growth.
Having said that, the future can still be bright, because invariably, talented and motivated people will rise to the top and demonstrate the political and leadership courage it takes to do the right things.
They use only fresh ingredients, make the meatballs from scratch, have the sausage locally made by an artisanal salumeria, do all the right things.
They didn't have to be great, but just good to do the little things right.
"AFTA forces us to do the right things, " explains Secretary of the Budget Benjamin Diokno.
For that, they will need to be honest with themselves and do the right things.
What happened tonight will be well and truly forgotten next week, as long as we do the right things.
We need to do the right things to get there.
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He tried to do all of the right things for me in the time that we had together, but I was a quiet kid and like many boys related more with my mother than my father.
As a leader, you must devote the time to recognize and reward people where credit is due, lifting them up and inspiring or encouraging them, even standing behind them when they have tried to do the right things but failed or done wrong.
The supply-side chapel in which many of us have worshiped for so many years has an odd strain running through its creed of what can only be described as a kind of permissive Puritanism: Politicians can do what they want to do as long as they do do the few things they must do right.
What all the would-be powerhouses must do is negotiate the right to make things more convenient for consumers.
Howe "always was there, making sure I was doing the right things and motivating me always to do what is right and to go with everything that you have, " Rivera said.
"You've got to do all the little things right first to beat them, " added Leuluai.
Certainly the mouse work suggests that they will be able to do all the things that embryonic stem cells do, but right now we don't know.
Courage is having the strength of conviction to do the right thing when it would just be easier to do things right.
Rather than London laying down the law, cities have the right to do things their way.
Our team spends a lot more time persuading the CEO to do things we believe to be the right way.
It had a rap structure but going after a very positive message and talking about things like read a book and take responsibility and do the right thing and do all these things.
Do you have the right people in the right roles doing the right things?
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We believe that every man has the potential to do great things, if he is equipped with the right tools and knowledge.
It was stated by Mr Hillier that the Environment Agency need to make sure that they're "prioritising" the money they do have and that they are "spending it on the right things in the right places".