With the world economy wobbling, this prolonged conflict is something Thailand could badly do without.
Still, there's one player he thinks he would be unable to do without: Robinson Cano.
You can feel ashamed of what others do without incurring any obligation to effect behavioral changes.
Think of all the things you could do without driving people crazy along the way.
But there's one quality in particular that no nation can do without in such a time.
Ain't it true, there's just no doubt, there's some things that you can't do without.
Frills they never thought they could have become essentials that they cannot do without.
But the truth is that Mr Lukashenka could probably do without all the ballot-stuffing.
In any event, said one of his admirers, Italy simply could not do without him.
But Mr Mesa knows that Bolivia cannot do without private investment and income from fuel exports.
The Conservative-run council is to debate the decision to do without a managing director on Thursday.
"It adds a complication which schools could do without at this time, " she says.
The image that calls attention to itself is often the image you can do without.
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But there is a limit to how much the multinationals can do without better local government.
In my financial planning practice, clients choose various life qualities they cannot do without.
We do have a choice about what we can do without, and where our priorities lie.
We're a good family, they've learnt to do without this year so I'm sure they'll carry on.
"These are the one thing I couldn't do without, " she said, extending her leg and pointing down.
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When Dan Manson was a kid, husking corn was the one chore he would do without complaint.
The hosts also had to do without Burton O'Brien, with Kevin McBride coming in to replace him.
How well would Google do without all the free editorial content which it is indexing I wonder?
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Now, though, the financial markets are large and sophisticated enough to do without a federal helping hand.
The internet and mobile technology enable non-politicians to do without big party organisations to spread the word.
To be sure, your spouse will have to feel financially secure enough to do without that exemption amount.
Gutierrez's bill has some good things in it, but it also has some things we could do without.
Checking long-standing customers rather than new ones, however, may be less easy to do without giving unnecessary offence.
The subsidy of movie making is simply an outrage that we could do without in these straightened times.
Will college athletic departments go back to throwing open the gates, figuring they can do without the extra help?
One lesson she's learned: She can do without the bureaucracy of charitable foundations.
But Londoners, it seems, could do without the Olympics that go with it.