Sometimes, as is shown by the sad case of Richard Grasso of the New York Stock Exchange, a boss can get canned even after doingaterrificjob, if his paycheck is embarrassingly high.
Her husband, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, is doingaterrificjob and Patty has become just one of my dearest friends and just always a spot of courage in a sea of work. (Laughter.) So where's Patty?
And finally I want to commend our new Surgeon General Dr. Benjamin who I finally got to meet. (Laughter.) Three months on the job and we're already making you crazy, right? (Laughter.) But you're doingaterrificjob just jumping right in.
And I know that many of you have had a chance to interact with our Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, who's doingaterrificjob, and I think you understand when you talk to him that this administration is serious about breaking down some of the barriers to reform that have existed in the past.