That was far more than the combined gross domestic products of all of the largest countries on earth.
Markets for video compact-disc players and televisions are overflowing with domestic products.
More importantly, prices of many domestic products, from housing to haircuts, are always cheaper in low-income countries, implying that households' real spending power is bigger.
Most forecasts only compare gross domestic products using current exchange rates.
FORBES: Do the Chinese Envy America? IMF Forecasts, Purchasing Power Parities -- and Chuck Colson
And, what is more, the German stimulus plan has been good for everyone in Europe, because it has sucked in imports as well as domestic products.
Stress safety and quality, highlighting superiority of domestic products.
Christian Wolmar, a transport historian, points out that there has been advertising on the system since its earliest days: photos from the late 19th century show cards inside train carriages advertising domestic products.
National software certification will guide the process of government purchasing of domestic software and IT products.
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Despite its huge oil and gas reserves, Iran still cannot refine enough petroleum products for domestic demand and depends on imports for 30-40% of its petrol needs.
China is in the stage of its economic development where it needs, and wants, to increase domestic demand for its products, and move away from dependence on exports.
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In addition, the amendment makes no mention of controls on the domestic use of encryption products and does not include any language covering encryption-key recovery or key escrow.
In an interview, Jennifer Cohn, medical coordinator for MSF's access campaign, said the ruling reinforces the idea that India won't patent drugs that are "not significantly innovative, " leaving generics companies free to produce many products for domestic use or for export to other countries where the drugs aren't protected by patent.
The York plant produces confectionery products for the domestic and international market including Terry's Chocolate Orange, Terry's All Gold and Twilight.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | North Yorkshire | Terry's closure 'will hit city'
Scaling back trade barriers makes it easier for foreign countries to buy American-made products, boosting domestic businesses and stirring job growth.
That includes Hafer, who has opposed investment in domestic corporations that produce tobacco products, liquor and some rap music, said state Treasury spokesman Steve Schell.
Nearly four years after the start of the financial crisis that sparked our last recession, U.S. CEOs are still reluctant to take risks and place big bets on new initiatives and products for the domestic market.
This will take the company's arm there from being primarily a distributor of Huntsman North American-made products to being a domestic manufacturer.
But while demand for Japanese products overseas improved, domestic demand for goods made outside Japan remained weak, falling by 35.6% in October.
One thing is certain - US domestic audiences are saturated with Hollywood products, and as a result, the industry has been seeking out more of the global marketplace.
At the same time, Beijing wants to cut back rare earth exports to the rest of the world, instead encouraging domestic production into wind and solar products for export around the world.
The White House has argued that crude oil, despite its high price, is plentiful, and that gas prices and prices for other petroleum products are high because domestic producers cannot refine their crude supplies quickly enough.
It has a 70% market share in white glues and outsells similar products made by foreign and domestic companies.
If a wimpy greenback meant fewer purchases of foreign products by American consumers, domestic consumption in Europe and Japan might not rise by enough to take up the slack.
This domestic supply displaced imports of the same products.
Under the WTO Antidumping Agreement (ADA), governments are permitted to have antidumping laws and to apply antidumping duties to redress dumping that is found to be a cause of material injury to the domestic industry producing the same or similar products.
FORBES: Protectionist Antidumping Regime is a Pox on America's Glass House
The U.S. government has shown little interest in chasing domestic or international investment in Sharia-compliant products.
Today, Optogan is successfully selling its products and building a global and domestic distribution network.
Domestic and multinational companies are increasingly aiming their products at the teen and 20-something audience.
Landsbanki's products were not covered by the domestic deposit-insurance schemes of the target countries.
ECONOMIST: The Iceland saga is a harbinger of crises to come
Countries have already begun to seal off their markets against foreign products in an effort to protect domestic producers.
FORBES: Megamind:Who are the HEROES and the SUPER-VILLAINS of the Trade and Currency War?