Thankfully, Kidz in the Hall's members don't much seem to care, and for that, this past summer's soundtrack was much enriched.
NPR: Kidz In The Hall: Back To The Summer
Colin Davis got his big break in 1959 when Otto Klemperer fell ill and he took his place at the Royal Festival Hall to conduct a concert performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni, with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf and Joan Sutherland.
BBC: Obituary: Colin Davis
Local MP Don Touhig said that the fight to save the hall had captured the community's imagination.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Narrow miss for 'Memo' in final
Over drinks at an upscale pool hall, Steinberg prepped Becky with a recap of the do's and don'ts: "It's about having a natural smile, soft eyes"...
CNN: Flirting 101: Coaches teach daters to cozy up
Mr. Bloomberg is known for giving the heads of city departments significant leeway to run their agencies, but Mr. Lhota said on Thursday that the city's current commissioners don't talk to each other and often don't have direction from City Hall.
WSJ: Murky Future For 'Bullpen'
Mr. HALL: They don't deal with them because if you look at the average person's mortgage payment, this money doesn't even come close to half of a mortgage payment.
NPR: Expert Helps Makes Sense of Stimulus Package
And I was at the town hall earlier today and I pointed out, it's not as if Harry and I don't have pollsters -- we got very good pollsters, and they tell us when things are unpopular.n (Laughter.) "Don't do that!"
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders