An attempt to get Mr Reeves' diseased remaining kidney to work was also doomed.
But the work-rule rigidities of industrywide unions have doomed many an American job, notably in steel and autos.
Or are they doomed to decline and die, eventually to be replaced by disruptive new upstarts?
FORBES: The Creative Economy: Can Industrial Giants Reinvent Themselves?
Surface is, according to Canalys, doomed to the same fate as the Zune media player.
The stimulus bill's spending on infrastructure may have been doomed to mediocrity from the start.
ECONOMIST: The historic infrastructure investment that wasn��t
They lack empathy and heart and are I submit are doomed to be rejected.
Wii U detractors eventually climbed atop their soapboxes to issue their final verdicts: Nintendo is doomed.
Because, for all the most ordinary, all the most banal reasons, he was doomed.
If that means fewer people are doomed than once thought, it is good news indeed.
Two thirds through the essay one gets a sinking feeling that we are doomed.
The larger point, though, is this: An isolated CI team is doomed to failure.
FORBES: How To Turn Consumer Insights Into Profitable Action
That's not to say Apple is doomed if it doesn't get into the so-called phablet business.
Now is the time for spiking the football or lamenting that all is doomed.
At first the duopoly dismissed Passage, claiming it was insecure and doomed to failure.
Think of all the lawsuits involving doomed financial products foisted on the public by Wall Street.
Their separation inspired "He Stopped Loving Her Today, " a towering ballad about a doomed love.
Little wonder many reckon California's Republicans are doomed to permanent irrelevance outside their inland fiefs.
Under current economic policy thinking and practice, the austerity movement is doomed to failure.
But his ambition-fueled long hours at work and the traffic-snarled commutes of Boston doomed his marriage.
Kirsch was always politically active and after graduation she worked on Michael Dukakis' doomed presidential campaign.
If you have not learned the lessons of financial history, you are doomed to repeat them.
FORBES: My Cohort Believes QE Only Benefits the Nation's Wealthiest
She believes that efforts which focus narrowly on treating diseases are ultimately doomed to failure.
The enterprise was goofy enough to attract one of those doomed government efforts to create jobs.
Are emerging markets doomed now that food and energy costs are seemingly through the roof?
We are energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation, which is now called sustainability.
FORBES: Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore
We are not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline.
The big, greedy corporation vs. the small guy is an old story doomed to be repeated.
FORBES: EA Accidentally Gives Away Free Games With Origin Store Coupon Glitch [Updated]
He said that those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
India is a diverse nation and a homogenous retail strategy is possibly doomed to fail.
His protest was doomed to fail and no one would probably hear of him.