But I am doubly saddened when it happens to someone so early in their life.
That goes doubly with the sorts of funds that Calpers boasts have yielded its highest returns.
The economic environment after the popping of an equity bubble makes them doubly so.
Doubly serene, actually, because XM Weather was telling me that the thunderstorms had skipped Scottsdale.
Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities, is doubly impressed with the firm.
Many holidays in rural Wales are farmhouse-based and some farmers are being doubly hit.
Image stability is doubly assured with both Advanced Image Stabilizer and Optical Image Stabilizer.
If adults are vulnerable to what they perceive as public humiliation, teenagers are doubly so.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
And that is doubly so given the strict standards of discipline in the hierarchical House.
It is doubly disappointing, then, that, once at Little No Horse, the story falls flat.
Since a big cause of Europe's high unemployment is high labour taxes, it is doubly damaging.
This aversion to flexibility is doubly unfortunate given the approach of the single currency.
Every decision she makes is doubly scrutinized, particularly when it relates to juggling family and career.
It is doubly ironic for those who have followed Britain's chequered efforts to deal with war crimes.
Of course, everything one can say about New York's tech scene is doubly true for Silicon Valley.
Doubly heartening was the enthusiasm of high school journos who represented their school newspaper at the forum.
FORBES: The State Of The News Media, Freedom Of The Press And Landing A Job in Journalism
In terms of money and retirement, which was the point of the survey, this is doubly true.
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If you're interested in starting your own business and your main asset is your IRA, be doubly wary.
Such quick and easy access to top officials is rare in any country -- in Sudan doubly so.
Orient House, an Ottoman building, is doubly symbolic both to the Palestinians and to the wider Arab world.
Going on to read them so that the values of their qubits can be known is doubly so.
With the market as volatile as it has been in the last few years, this is doubly true.
Mr Bush's decision to put Mr DiIulio in charge of his new White House office is doubly significant.
The knowledge that no other European leader can compare with him for authority makes him feel doubly responsible.
So May's disappointing jobs figures, showing that the private sector added just 41, 000 workers, was doubly bad news.
If Issue 2 falls, rates will assuredly rise, slamming the private sector doubly.
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All that makes last week's launch of the Dart, the first all-new product from the combined company, doubly critical.
Losing a job often means losing health insurance too, making unemployment doubly traumatic.
She had to be fed through a tube, was doubly incontinent and was paralysed on her right hand side.
But adds "the show is an altogether more pleasurable experience than that doubly dubious distinction might make it sound".