The emails start as they continue: With Weiss repeatedly dousing Weiner with ego-stroking flattery.
Firetrucks could be seen dousing flames, while thick black smoke engulfed the devastated area.
Dr Carlyon said circumstantial evidence pointed to Mr Philpotts dousing his wife's bedroom in accelerant.
In Brazil and Mexico governments have implemented sound macroeconomic policies, dousing inflation and gradually reducing interest rates.
Overall, the actions of Ms Megawati's government are stoking up the fires of separatism, not dousing them.
After James checked out of the game, he celebrated by dousing Krzyzewski with water, then climbed to his spot on the podium.
Did he say anything afterwards, like dousing the flames of anger, hatred?
But the GAO, a congressional watchdog agency, is dousing that option.
There are the bears who think the fiscal woes of Europe are likely to threaten the emerging global recovery, dousing it even before it really blazes.
In New York City, which is expecting a 12in dousing, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said snow ploughs and 250, 000 tonnes of salt were being put on standby.
Mark Fuchs, a National Weather Service hydrologist, said the latest dousing could be especially troublesome for communities along the Illinois River, which is headed for record crests.
The result: Most fans outside of Munich and southwest London will be rooting against their country's representatives Saturday, dousing the usual explosion of patriotic fervor with a bucket of ice-cold apathy.
The police protested: since the revellers thronging the streets would be dousing anyone they came across with water and talcum powder, surely the police had a right to defend themselves in kind?
The chatty regulars showed me how to extend my sauna stay by wrapping my head in a towel ("Otherwise your brain will fry, " one explained) and dousing myself with buckets of icy water.
Dousing some of the ardor over mixed use, McKinsey suggested cutting the number of condos to 1, 640 and increasing the number of hotel rooms to 5, 200, as well as scrapping a planned office building.
James Donald, who takes over as chief executive of Starbucks in March, is giving a tour of one of his stores when a member of his entourage bumps a customer, dousing the floor with latte.
Then came a breakthrough in 2007, when Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University succeeded in reprogramming adult skin cells back to their embryonic state simply by dousing them in a concoction of four genetic factors and some growth media.
Dousing the monetary tightening flames further was a cooling in cost pressures with input prices declining by 2% during the month and at twice the predicted pace leaving the annual pace of gain at a still admittedly high 15.7% pace.
There is a crisis in US relations with Israel today because the president of the United States has very publicly taken a torch to those relations and he responds to any sign that the flames are waning by dousing fresh kerosene on the fire.
Unfortunately, at about the same time that this statement was being made, a video was being put up on YouTube in which, seven seconds in, a policeman steps daintily over a circle of protestors, who do nothing to impede him, before dousing them with aerosol condiment.
FORBES: PR and Pepper Spray: What the 99% Can Teach Companies