Handling such down-to-earth concerns was one of the challenges when the Belgian creators got started.
Mr Boyle is remembered at Bangor as a "very mature, very focused and down-to-earth student".
Obama's address was less stirring, perhaps, but it was also more candid and down-to-earth.
She was one of the sweetest, liveliest and most down-to-earth people I have ever met.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Stars celebrate Dame Thora's life
"He's very down-to-earth, " said Hancox, who was shot in the chest in Afghanistan in 2011.
His latest and 31st film Bread and Roses is characteristically down-to-earth and to the point.
That kind of wry humility keeps the narrative of Just Kids fresh and down-to-earth.
The pampas had made him inquire in that frank, manly, and down-to-earth way, he decided.
It's the untold romance between a down-to-earth mom and the man who calls her 'my rock.
She blogs regularly here with down-to-earth, practical advice on how to improve teams.
Latin American outlets stress Jesuit Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio's austere, down-to-earth habits and social concerns.
Kargman positions her main character, Holly Talbott, as more down-to-earth than her fellow hedge fund wives.
The king comes across as a down-to-earth, straight-talking guy with a passion for adventure.
Beckett said the "down-to-earth" Flowers had been a good friend over the past few years.
Unlike the visionary Mr Son, Mr Kitao seems to have a more down-to-earth view of Softbank's investments.
ECONOMIST: Is Softbank��s Internet empire as strong as it looks?
Ironically, the value of such high-tech achievements might be laid low by down-to-earth political disputes between the allies.
They certainly seem to be on the crest of another wave though resolutely down-to-earth about their own celebrity.
She has run a gruelling, appealingly down-to-earth campaign, driving around the state in her now-famous red Ford pick-up.
Economics professor Takenaka Heizo of Keio University praises Nambu for his vision and insight - and his down-to-earth style.
Vicky herself is a nice, down-to-earth person (my assessment), who always seems to be able to make time to assist.
Despite all this, I have to say Dakota is one of the most down-to-Earth guys that you will ever meet.
Astronomers, who despite their profession tend to be more down-to-earth than theoretical physicists, are withholding judgment until the measurements are repeated.
It's just one of the tricks that has made Wendell Murphy a billionaire in the world's most down-to-earth business: pig farming.
They are filled with down-to-earth locals who, in spite of the cold stare you may receive upon entering, will inevitably prove friendly.
He was blessed with a first-rate intellect tempered with down-to-earth common sense.
It was all a little surreal for Ives, who maintains a down-to-earth modesty even though he's kind of a big thing, too.
"They're such a down-to-earth bunch of blokes, you wouldn't believe, " he insisted.
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It takes forever for Benjamin to notice that the pretty, down-to-earth woman with the keys is staring at him in a certain way.
Other supporters of the broadcasts to Iran and Iraq say the government has more down-to-earth reasons for not wanting them at this time.
Kuek is down-to-earth and his language is peppered with terms from his day job -- selling stocks and shares for an investment bank.