Are you looking now at a long, drawn-out period of negotiating a scaled-down package?
The move came after the drawn-out death by lethal injection of Puerto Rican-born Diaz on Wednesday.
Still, many Republicans don't believe Mr. Santorum has the resources for a drawn-out campaign.
Voluntary euthanasia was a later concern, this one strengthened by watching his mother's drawn-out death in 1977.
Despite the deep divisions on these and other issues, there are powerful incentives to avoid a drawn-out stoppage.
Some are predicting a long, drawn-out fight, leading to a possible compromise some time around dawn on Saturday morning.
The Desert Foxes' earlier defeat against Malawi may have been a hangover from their long, drawn-out World Cup campaign.
This could be a shock for companies used to a more drawn-out process.
Mr Jospin is expected to run for the presidency in April and a drawn-out strike could prove politically damaging.
Earlier in the drawn-out debate over war funding, the House approved a bill that set a firm date for withdrawal.
After the drawn-out struggle to form it, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the new government.
Jeremy Corbyn said he feared Britain was in danger of being sucked into an "unpleasant, long-drawn-out, almost guerrilla like conflict".
And as I said I think several weeks ago, my interest is not having a long, drawn-out process for months.
WHITEHOUSE: Nuclear Security Summit: Presidential Press Conference
Their companies and assets were taken over, but in the drawn-out process many managed to salvage some of their fortunes.
By winning a drawn-out fight to protect his powers as commander in chief to wage war and keep Americans safe.
The Premier League has also given their approval, clearing the way for Sir Alex Ferguson to complete the drawn-out Tevez deal.
Given the notoriously long time frames for patent lawsuits, this is likely just the beginning of a drawn-out war in the courts.
An unvetted candidate who might have survived a couple of weeks of campaigning couldn't take the strain of this long, drawn-out process.
This sentiment, on top of the drawn-out approval process, will create significant opportunity for Verizon and other rivals to poach T-Mobile customers.
FORBES: Why Verizon Will be the Winner in the AT&T Acquisition of T-Mobile
Not that it will be easy for Serum, which will need USFDA approval for its products, involving drawn-out and costly human clinical trials.
The appointment finally ends Celtic's drawn-out bid to replace Strachan, who departed following the team's failure to win a fourth consecutive league title.
Storrie also denied he was disappointed not to succeed with his own takeover attempt, with Al Fahim finally taking control after a drawn-out process.
Some studies have shown that short bouts of intense activity may be best, while others have supported the benefits of less vigorous, more drawn-out activity.
FORBES: Hard And Fast Or Slow And Steady? Choice Of Exercise Matters To Health, Study Says
The Pilika case has overshadowed the drawn-out international effort to set up a tribunal for the Khmer Rouge, and the role played by the U.N.
Restarting them require approvals from separate government bodies to ensure they comply with environment laws and land use patterns, which could be a drawn-out process.
But they ended the debate on Monday with questions still unanswered and many cardinals predicting a drawn-out election that will further expose the church's divisions.
Such a strategy made developers beholden to the drawn-out automotive lifecycle.
Could a 60-minute Super Bowl equal this kind of drawn-out saga?
The drawn-out process for resolving the fiscal cliff hurt consumer confidence.
Even though the rules are drawn broadly to anticipate all potential harms, inevitably they will contain ambiguities that lead to drawn-out administrative and judicial litigation.