John Ledford has done pretty well for a 35-year-old college dropout who never stopped watching cartoons.
The yearly doctor dropout rate in private insurance exceeds 10% in many places, including New York.
Right from the start, Thomas Leuluai fumbled Danny Brough's kick-off to force a Wigan goal-line dropout.
To be clear, we're not talking about a high-school dropout minding a cash register.
To be clear, we're not talking about a high school dropout minding a cash register.
He took questions from the crowd on topics ranging from the school dropout rate to immigration.
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The long-term trends for all three income categories, however, show somewhat decreasing event dropout rates.
The main reason is a shocking dropout rate of 55%, the highest in the rich world.
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Vertex says it is working on ways to reduce the dropout rate in future trials.
Adeo Ressi is a college dropout who got into the education business in a global way.
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In the United States, we seem to have our own tradition of the college-dropout-turned-business-mogul.
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Brown acquired a sidekick, a recent dropout from the University of Maryland named David Bossie.
If they don't see college as a real option they are even more likely to dropout.
We have one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation.
The black dropout rates are high and nearly 50, 000 students cut class every day.
Branson is an anomaly, even among his dive-into-business-and-education-be-damned peers like famous Harvard dropout Bill Gates.
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To reverse Brazil's dramatic dropout rate, the government pays parents to keep their children in class.
The college dropout was an overwhelming commercial and critical success, and West found fans outside hip-hop circles.
MOOCs have an enormous dropout rate, in some cases as high as nine out of 10 students.
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The dropout rate, three times the national average, has stabilized at 16% after climbing for a decade.
The dropout rate ranges from 15% to 50%, compared with 3% to 4% for cancer and cardiovascular trials.
Hispanics have gained considerable ground relative to whites, closing the dropout gap from 21 percentage points to 9.
Dobson then extended the lead with a penalty after Kevin Sinfield's goalline dropout went straight out of play.
It ranked second to last in the state, and some high schools had twelfth-grade dropout rates approaching 40%.
We've given additional dollars to some schools, predominantly Latino and African American, where the dropout rate is sky-high.
Though she was a ninth-grade dropout, in 1961 she enrolled in night classes to become a medical assistant.
Across America, primary and secondary education remains a mess, marked by low test scores and high dropout rates.
Consequently, black children also have a far higher high school dropout rate and a lower rate of college enrollment.
The former school dropout built a retail empire that made him into the richest person in China in 2006.
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His partner, Rudy Theale, 25, is a community college dropout and inveterate tinkerer.