The high toll has been partly blamed on drunkenness and the use of poorly equipped beaches.
She put herself as "nine" on a scale of one to ten for drunkenness.
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But local councils and some women's-rights groups argue that, although drunkenness has not got worse, lasciviousness has.
Among the arrests, 17 were for assault, 17 for drunkenness and 16 for public order offences, police said.
Levels of drunkenness at the Jersey Live music festival are "way down" on the 2011 event, say police.
In the original picture, Arthur's constant drunkenness was presented as a harmless indulgence.
Taylor identified by name union members who were fired for drunkenness or theft and whom he was forced to rehire.
But drunkenness is nationwide: according to the South African Health Review, 30% of urban adults imbibe dangerous quantities of alcohol.
The veterans complained so bitterly about scenes of drunkenness and foul language that some episodes have been removed from the final script.
The survey also debunks the myth of drunkenness as synonymous with student life, with 21% of students saying they never drank alcohol.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Students 'stay home to cut costs'
The Portman Group, which represents drinks producers, said its members were "determined" to be effective partners with the government in tackling public drunkenness.
As well as tackling violent crime, the troops will support police and community groups to deter offences such as street drug-dealing and public drunkenness.
There will be no trouble, no crime, no drunkenness, nothing.
She is Sunday's child, she can tolerate my impossibilities and my drunkenness, she is an ache in the stomach when I am away from her and she loves me.
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Or maybe Fitzgerald merely was looking at his own unhappy life--and confessing how hard it is to pretend that one's work matters when one is beset by drunkenness and depression.
Drunkenness is not an excuse to commit crime.
BBC: Dundee woman guilty of murdering a man during a drunken row
Last week, during a visit to Newcastle, Mr Cameron said the level of drunkenness in the UK was a "scandal" and that supermarkets, bars and the drinks industry should do more to help the situation.
Meetings are open to men above the age of 15 or 16, regardless of ethnicity, religion or status, with the basic requirement that members be of honest families, be trustworthy and respectful of their elders, and not gamble or display public drunkenness.
FORBES: In Vino Veritas: Should You Get Drunk With Your Business Partners?
When Kevin Rudd admitted to public drunkenness at a strip club in New York - which was probably the first time most people around the world first got to hear about him - he was in the company of Col Allan, the Australian editor of the Murdoch-owned New York Post.
And only later still, in the quiet car retrieved from valet parking and en route back to the Laventura, Constance carefully blinking away her own drunkenness at the wheel, did the equally tipsy Fanny Mann squint at her flashing little screen, recover the message, and then phone the hospital to receive the news.