The plumber would consume the better part of the morning driving to each job site to see that each employee takes their break, leaves the area ofwork, and stays away from the area ofwork for not less than the statutory durationof the break.
Combined with other exams, this test helps determine the geographical region students will work in for the durationof their foundation programme - a two-year training course which forms the bridge between medical school and training for a specialism.
Their tickets will be valid for twice the durationof other drivers and the council said it would work to make pay-and-display machines more accessible.
Generous loan covenants give managers more flexibility to work through their debt, and lenders are keen to extend the durationof loans rather than call them in and face more write-downs.
You might even have one specific isolated project that you work on by yourself or with some input from one or two other people for the durationof your internship.