Setting an early date for actual admissions would upset a lot of Austrians, who fear an influx of migrant labour.
From a very early date, therefore, it appears that human beings were distinguished by their ability to have ideas that went beyond their everyday experience.
Here's what Howard Dean, the Democratic National chairman, said here yesterday about the lead up to all this when Florida set an early primary date against Democratic Party rules.
Testifying to Congress in September 2007 alongside the then US ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker, the general warned Democrats calling for an early withdrawal date that such a move might have "devastating consequences".
In part for this reason, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is likely to see increased numbers of provisional applications, which if done properly can be a cost-effective way to obtain an early priority date for a patent application.
FORBES: March 16, 2013: The United States Transitions To A 'First-Inventor-To-File' Patent System
With nearly 600 voters set to determine the fates of approximately three dozen candidates, the early impressions to date identify significant philosophical differences amongst the baseball writers.
FORBES: A Hall of Fame Quandary Involving Sportsmanship, Integrity and Character
One of those early leaders to date is Nikki Haley, and GOP should listen closely to her vision, as it just might be what they need to navigate their new post-election reality.
FORBES: From Nikki Haley: A Post-Election Republican Vision for Healthcare
Our early success to date notwithstanding, we remain focused on effectively navigating the risks and challenges inherent in the integration projects that remain while embedding the Stanley Fulfillment System across the combined entity.
Pricing on the plug-in Fusion Energi, which Ford says will be the most efficient mid-sized car on the market at 100 mpg equivalent, will be announced closer to its launch date early next year.
FORBES: Family Car Showdown: These Cars Will Change The Way You Think About Sedans
The Committee has said it will use a date in early May from which to take the haircut.
Still too early for a release date, the film is being produced by Landscape Entertainment and Force Majeure.
FORBES: 'Game Of Thrones' Star Peter Dinklage Cast In 'Angriest Man In Brooklyn'
Fortunately for you, the May release date means an early start to your summer freckling.
ENGADGET: Samsung's UbiSync monitor rig: all USB, all the time
The screening idea is in its early stages, and no date has been set, Feig said.
Its shopping laws, some of which date from the early 1930s, are stuffed with bizarre curbs.
The origins of the Sino-Japanese rapprochement date to the early 1970s.
FORBES: Hillary is Wasting her Time, and America's, on a Fool's Errand
Cheating is believed to date back to early 2001, when standardized testing scores began to turn around in the 50, 000-student school district, according to the indictment.
Rooted in antiquity, Cinque Terre's five towns date from the early medieval period and barely anything about these five crazily constructed Ligurian villages has changed in over three centuries.
He has not -- this information came to light, again, I believe -- I don't have the exact date -- early November of 2008 -- he has not spoken with her.
Old-time Knesset pundits say that dissolution bills, once they begin to roll forward, create a momentum which eventually leads the two big parties to sit down informally and set an agreed date for an early election.
It is evident that this city and graveyard date back to the early Dilmun period.
In November 2012, Microsoft announced that it was switching off Live Messenger in early 2013 but gave no firm date.
There is a vague commitment to hold a national election at a later date, if these early votes go well, but no timetable.
The legislation limits the prime minister's power to call an early general election, setting the date of the next poll as 7 May 2015.
The fact that early bonds had no fixed maturity date ensured that any change in interest rate was fully reflected in the capital value of the bond.
ECONOMIST: What did early 19th-century literary characters live on?
The first recorded sightings of modern times date back to the early 1950s, when a large black feline dubbed the Surrey Puma was spotted prowling through the countryside near Farnham.
As expected, Obama also did very well with African-American voters, but it was not enough to overcome Clinton's strong ties to Texas, which date back to the early 1970s.
If that scenario pans out, it will mean an end to ways of doing business that date back to the early part of this century, when Japanese companies were grouped as zaibatsu (the precursors of today's keiretsu) and backed by the government.
As Lynn Turner, the SEC's former chief accountant, points out, much of what the act requires is covered by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 and by the Treadway Commission's recommendations on firms' internal controls, which date back to the early 1990s.