One recent report wrote of deep frustration about large cuts to earth science funding.
Goldin remained upbeat, noting that at least one Earth Science initiative would receive more funding.
Butz first heard about the site when he began working for Cambridge Central Schools as an earth science teacher more than a decade ago.
Yet now that precision-pointing has been demonstrated, Landis says it opens up possibilities not just for planetary science, but for earth science and other astrophysics efforts.
FORBES: Budgets Nudge NASA Toward Balloon-Based Planetary Science: First Target? Comet ISON
So we're thinking chemistry, biology, physics, earth science, applied science.
Long before Judkins was teaching classes to build rockets, she was a biologist for NASA. Earth science was part of her curriculum, but she had no experience on the topic.
The African geoscience community through the Geological Society of Africa is engaged in promoting awareness of the IGCP and its benefits and directing these to African Earth science leaders and institutions.
"Landsat is a centerpiece of NASA's Earth Science program, and today's successful launch will extend the longest continuous data record of Earth's surface as seen from space, " NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a statement.
"The Maule earthquake will arguably become one of the, if not the most important, great earthquakes yet studied, " said Ben Brooks of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii.
Today, hundreds of floats deployed under the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), coordinated by UNESCO and largely supported by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), are used to measure ocean temperature, salinity and tsunami risk.
Just as Mars -- a desert planet -- gives us insights into global climate change on Earth, the promise awaits for bringing back to life portions of the Red Planet through the application of Earth Science to its similar chemistry, possibly reawakening its life-bearing potential.
This precipitous decline in the quantity of Earth science and applications observations from space undertaken by the United States reinforces the conclusion in the decadal survey and its predecessor, the 2005 interim report (NRC, 2005), which declared that the U.S. system of environmental satellites is at risk of collapse.
As OMB previously indicated in our statement for the record for this Committee's May 6 hearing, if additional resources are warranted for Station development, the Administration intends to look first for offsets within NASA while protecting Administration priorities in space and earth science, advanced space transportation, and aviation safety research.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House
The draft curriculum for geography does not contain references to climate change but a section called "Earth science" in the chemistry syllabus says 11- to 14-year-olds should be taught about "the production of carbon dioxide by human activity and the impact on climate" and includes a section on "the efficacy of recycling".
BBC: Keep climate change lessons in curriculum, urge petitions
The report covers all DIVERSITAS activities including its work on the interface between science and policy making, developing cross-cutting networks, the Earth System Science Partnership, etc.
Meanwhile, the data has been published in the journal Earth System Science Data Discussions.
South Africa's Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) and the Applied Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science (ACCESS) hosted the first in a series of workshops for scientists and journalists.
The Youth Delegates will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with Young Professionals of the UNESCO Science Sector specializing in the fields of water, biodiversity, ecology, earth sciences, science education, disaster risk reduction, and science policy.
Even as NASA's budget has decreased by approximately 15 percent in constant dollars since 1993, we have made provision for several important new initiatives to maintain the delicate balance between human space flight, earth and space science, and advanced aeronautics and space transportation technology.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House
The successful completion of the exercise, or even an attempt and failure, has repeatedly demonstrated, in part, why it is that young-earth creation-science promoters have failed in their scientific pretensions and legal challenges without having to resort to fussing over technical, scientific details that few are qualified to address or engaging in Mahoney-level rhetoric.
This pending move back to planetary science from earth sub-orbit comes on the heels of improvements in pointing systems and instrument technologies that will allow ground-based controllers to fine-tune balloon payloads to include one-meter class optical and infrared telescopes.
FORBES: Budgets Nudge NASA Toward Balloon-Based Planetary Science: First Target? Comet ISON
In fact, just like science labs on Earth, it has a number of complex instruments capable of testing the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
The Space Launch System, or SLS, will be designed to carry the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, as well as important cargo, equipment and science experiments to Earth's orbit and destinations beyond.
Dr Newman and his colleague, Dr Christina D Buesching, will be making a presentation about the role of volunteers within science at the Earth Institute's annual lecture at the Royal Geographical Society on Thursday evening.
It left some significant landmarks: museums such as Our Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, and the Science Centre in Glasgow.
Sometimes a great, earth-shaking, new idea in science can be created in the most homespun ways.
"XCOM: Enemy Unknown" is a science fiction, strategy game pitting Earth against an invading alien force.
And a long duration living and working in space is what the Space Station is all about -- to do the research and the science necessary to take us beyond Earth orbit.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's call to the International Space Station
For Victoria Fletcher (13), Rush Lyons (14), Thomas Shields (13) and their teammates, the experience of designing a product and marketing it to judges not only reinforced the value of teamwork, but demonstrated the applications that science and math can have on Earth and beyond.
This software for Mars surface operations was uploaded to the rover's memory during the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft's flight from Earth.
ENGADGET: NASA's Curiosity rover receives long-distance OTA update, 'brain transplant' on Mars