He wrote out the numbers on an easel pad, but they were imponderable abstractions.
The camera focused and captured details, including the text on an easel, without issue.
Typically he would paint around 400 figures a day, standing almost motionless at the easel.
During a lunch break he told Murren to set up an easel with the drawing for CityCenter.
Mind may possess creativity but would still lack skill to transform it over an easel or a paper.
He could see the easel well, and that's when he did his work.
And if I'm lucky, we will put on the easel to my right the exhibit that Manager Hutchinson used.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
There's a painting in progress on an easel in his studio at home.
He and his studio assistants propped it against a floor easel, and he found himself exhibiting a walk-around three-dimensional work.
Mojigangas (giant papier mache puppets), paints and Rivera's easel fill the studio, and his pyjamas are laid out in a tiny adjoining bedroom.
BBC: Three days with Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera in Mexico City
Water, the theme of this year's festival, was his element, and he was among the first French artists to set up an easel outdoors.
Using an easel and a marking pen to illustrate his point, Gingrich said the Republican plan actually called for substantial increases in those two programs.
Firms' pitches were often little more than a table, the almost mandatory Apple laptop and an easel to which a card with the firm's logo was affixed.
Sharp Electronics unveiled its Mobilon TriPad PV-6000, a Windows CE-based computing device that can be used in three different operating positions: standard notebook (clamshell), pen tablet (slate), or easel mode.
Though, apart from the exposed brick, mortar and pestle used to grind pigments, and an easel with Cole's doodles etched into it, much of the contents aren't original to the studio.
This week, Tyne Anew, a giant three-legged metal sculpture (inevitably dubbed the Easel of the North) by Mark di Suvero, an American sculptor, was installed on a quayside in North Tyneside.
It diminishes Van Gogh a little to imagine him rushing out with his easel to stare furiously, almost comically, at some clumps of grass, trying to silence the demons in his head.
WSJ: Dan Neil on the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Van Gogh Up Close
Getting word of a new electric car hitting the pavement is (thankfully) becoming quite common these days, but crafting a vehicle that's made it a few steps beyond the easel is certainly noteworthy.
ENGADGET: Silence PT2 rocks three wheels, all electric powertrain
Once completed, the robot picked up the whiteboard, showed the finished work to the assembled CeBIT hordes, placed it back on the easel again, and then before I could call the Louvre, picked up an eraser, wiped out the drawing, and waiting for his (her?) next subject.
The couple's intent demeanor, as they sit in front of one of Mr. Hockney's landscape paintings on an easel, is compounded by the fact that the Brandts are watching their own portrait being made, that Mr. Hockney is watching them, and that we are watching the lot of them.
WSJ: The Polaroid SX-70 as Sexy Tech | Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center | By Richard B. Woodward
The company calls the stand a "timeless gallery" frame, and indeed the set would fit right in with some of the more conceptual pieces at the MoMA. Still, that easel-like design could be a bit limiting for some living rooms, so you can remove the S9 and wall-mount it -- though the 2.2 channel audio is built into that frame.
ENGADGET: Eyes-on with Samsung's new 85-inch S9 UHD TV at CES (video)