The Internet is making it easier for small-scale African entrepreneurs to sell farm goods in Europe.
Rivals took the easier road and simply traded theirs in to dealers for new models.
Mortgage insurance from the Federal Housing Administration would make that kind of refinancing easier.
Or at least easier and more affordable than it has been in a long time.
By limiting carrier choices, Apple has given competing products an easier entrance into the market.
Staying in contact with both business contacts and friends is also made easier by computers.
The disadvantage is that capsules are easier (and therefore cheaper) to make than hollow, fluid-filled fibres.
Pope Francis updated century-old church rules for annulling marriages, making them easier, and less expensive.
Academics also say it is easier to teach children if they are of a similar ability.
They were also built with limited degrees of incline, the flatness making it easier to drive fast.
If all this information becomes even easier to access, is there an even greater risk of distraction?
Will any label make it easier for tourists to distinguish a good meal from a bad one?
It is a lot easier to share an Aboriginal perspective when there are people to share it with.
And Wall Street gets an easier-to-understand pure play with its own financial reports primed to attract new investors.
He says that the last six months have made his decision to go into business for himself easier.
And for critics who want to see the company modernized, that is easier said than done.
That was far easier for me to do than to eat Tasti D-Lite twice a week.
But perhaps this flowchart makes everything easier to understand ( click it for better resolution).
FORBES: The Perverse Impact Of Double Taxation: A Helpful Flow Chart
If Spain gets an easier ride than Ireland, Portugal and Greece, what happens then?
To be sure, Martha may have fried because her case was easier to prove.
Thanks to technology, working is easier than it was a decade ago, in many respects.
Ingestible sensor chips are an idea a little easier for most people to swallow.
Two-thirds of respondents say it has made it easier for families to live comfortably.
FORBES: Study Shows That Numbers Of Working Moms Have Increased: Is That A Good Thing?
For easier maintenance, updates to the BIOS, drivers, and virus protection should be automatic, he says.
The costs of this activity are predictable, which can make it easier to outsource.
His wedding day is intended to make it easier for others to travel the same road.
Needless to say, it isn't easier to promote Mr. Monroe on the global stage.
WSJ: Guns N' Roses Agrees: Finland's Metal Pioneer 'Michael Monroe' Rocks
It is easier to retreat and compose yourself after every score than swarm about, arms flailing.
We must find creative ways to promote civic responsibility and make it easier to do so.
FORBES: Boston: Turns Out Civic Responsibility Isn't (Completely) Dead After All
When you've got everyone believing it, it certainly makes your job a bit easier.