After India's partition in 1947, when Chittagong became part of what was then East Pakistan, reputable local citizens were allowed to become members.
Many commentators recalled that failures after the cyclone in East Pakistan in 1970 helped lead to the territory's breakaway as Bangladesh the following year.
In the 1970s, after their third war (over East Pakistan breaking away, with India's help, to become Bangladesh), the two sides agreed to respect this frontier.
The special court was set up in 2010 by the current Bangladeshi government to deal with those accused of collaborating with Pakistani forces who attempted to stop East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then) from becoming an independent country.
The patient, who is receiving intensive care treatment in a Manchester hospital, had recently travelled to the Middle East and Pakistan.
The second was linked to travel to the Middle East and Pakistan.
Doede, who chairs the private equity AIG Silk Road Fund, spent an average of a week a month for four and a half years looking for "a neglected opportunity" in the politically and economically dicey part of the world stuck between Russia to the north, China to the east and Iran and Pakistan to the south.
We had a detailed exchange on the situation in our extended region, including East Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and West Asia.
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Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan on the east and south, Iran on the west, China on the northeast, and Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan on the north.
Last, the administration has announced a conceptual change: that it will think of the greater Middle East (including Afghanistan and Pakistan) as an integrated whole, despite the separate envoys.
Moenjodaro, located on the right bank of the Indus River, 510 km north-east of Karachi, in Pakistan's Sindh Province, flourished for about 1000 years during the third and second millennium BC.
But most were from immigrant families from Pakistan living in the East End of London.
John Nicholson, who commands along the Pakistan border in the east, also made it clear that his troops were less concerned with finding bin Laden than routing out the Taliban and any al Qaeda fighters who came their way.
It would be easy to blame Pakistan's problems on East Asia's financial troubles.
Though the network of middlemen and companies involved spans Europe, the Middle East, Asia and South Africa, Pakistan's nuclear suspects are thought to have been at the centre of it.
He will have a portfolio as a special assistant to the President and be senior director for the central region that largely extends -- encompasses the Middle East, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and South Asia.
After 20 months at the helm in Iraq, Gen Petraeus became head of US Central Command, where he was responsible for overseeing US military operations and strategy in Central Asia, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Middle East.
Similarly, significant parts of Eastern Europe, East Africa, Southwest Asia, India and Pakistan are unable to receive proper coverage.
Madiha Sarwar had to take the language test in Lahore in Pakistan before joining her husband in east London, and says it has given her an advantage over those who did not speak English before they arrived.
But the fact that the tournament is to be held there owes more to the misfortune of the third team, Pakistan, than the ambitions of the east African nation.
Participating media trainers from Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand , Tajikistan, and Vietnam now serve as resource persons in the national workshops on the same topic organized by UNESCO in the eight Asian countries.
Abraaj, the largest private equity fund in the Middle East, has investments in 43 countries from Peru to Pakistan.
In Heinersdorf, a poor area of east Berlin, there was uproar when Ahmaddiya Muslims from Pakistan, a group which mainstream Islam eschews, set up a mosque.
Both our nations face persistent and evolving domestic and transnational terrorist threats, including from terrorists based in North Africa, the Middle East, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Both India and Pakistan would do well to take a leaf from East Asia's book.
The residents of Jalozai Camp, 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of Peshawar, have yet to be granted refugee status by Pakistan, depriving them of most international relief.
And we are fully aware of the various issues in the world such as the Middle East and North Africa, and Iran and Syria, and Afghanistan and Pakistan.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Prime Minister Kan at G8 Summit
Bergen has written about al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, Pakistan, counterterrorism, homeland security and countries around the Middle East for a range of American newspapers and magazines including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Affairs, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone, TIME, The Nation, The National Interest, Mother Jones, Newsweek, Washington Times and Vanity Fair.
This left Pakistan with too much to do and as rain clouds gathered in the East, they slipped further and further behind on Duckworth-Lewis.
In recent years, both India and Pakistan have realised how far they have slipped behind the booming economies of South-East Asia.