Will there be a barrier to the east of the West Bank as well as to the west?
For example, when the Bank of England began to tighten slightly its oversight of Moscow Narodny Bank in London after 1986, the USSR simply moved at least a portion of its more risque banking activities to Eurobank in Paris and East-West United Bank in Luxembourg -- where regulatory officials were more laissez-faire.
On Thursday, Issawi was convicted of breaching his release conditions by travelling from his home in East Jerusalem to the West Bank, his lawyer said.
This morning Pasadena, CA based regional bank East West Bancorp ( EWBC) reported second quarter earnings that saw the company swing to a profit.
Similar rallies were held across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and even in the Gaza Strip.
Obama has already been hurt by his obsessive focus on a settlements freeze in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Britain and France have both summoned Israeli ambassadors in protest at Israel's decision to approve the construction of 3, 000 new homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
The last round of direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians broke down in late 2010 following a dispute over settlement construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
And it sort of got lost this week, and nobody has asked about it, but the United States dropped its demand that Israel freeze its settlements in the Middle East -- on the West Bank.
The U.S. has not spoken publicly about possible compromises in recent days, though there has been some speculation it would propose a partial construction stop in the West Bank heartland, east of Israel's separation barrier.
Powell said a reduction of violence in the Middle East would boost economic activity in the West Bank and Gaza.
Obama's turn as tourist capped a four-day visit to the Middle East that included stops in Israel and the West Bank, as well Jordan.
Some suggest that, while Israel's peace treaty with Jordan is reasserted, a buffer zone could be drawn up on the eastern side of the Jordan river, perhaps monitored by peacekeepers from NATO or the UN, to protect Israel against an invasion from the east and to enable it to withdraw from the West Bank.
ECONOMIST: The Jordan valley: A dry bone of contention | The
He felt sure that Mahmoud Abbas, who presides over the Palestinian Authority that controls the West Bank, would strive for Palestinian sovereignty over East Jerusalem as vigorously as his predecessor, the late Yasser Arafat.
Topics would include financial instruments in East-West trade offered by the banking sector (such as bonds), bank-to-bank cooperation, and even ruble convertibility.
Some eighty central bankers from both the East and West are meeting behind closed doors this week in Basel, Switzerland at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
His death comes a week before US President Barack Obama is due to visit Israel and the West Bank, but with little optimism of a resumption of the Middle East peace talks which collapsed in 2010, our correspondent adds.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (CNN) -- The future of the Middle East entered a new era of uncertainty Thursday, as the militant Palestinian opposition group Hamas snatched power from the ruling old guard and made skeptics of many key players in the peace process.
In 1994, Israel and the PLO signed a historic agreement giving Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip their first measure of freedom since the 1967 Middle East war.
President Obama was in the West Bank for the first time since 2008 on the second day of his visit to the Middle East, where he held meetings in Ramallah with Palestinian Authority President Abbas and Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Fayyad, and attended a cultural event at Al-Bireh Youth Center.
Cheney began a trip to the Middle East on Sunday with an official itinerary that listed stops in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and the West Bank, according to the White House.