This amount is particularly absurd when compared to the roughly 100 million the Bank has disbursed in loans to eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
The EBRD's job is to aid the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union with the transition to a market economy by encouraging private investment.
In some southern African countries, half of new mothers could soon die of AIDS. Epidemics are emerging in China, India, eastern Europe and countries in the former Soviet Union.
The Truman Administration did not really have a policy, even an unarticulated one, regarding the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in 1946.
The book explores at some length the implications of this claim for the transition economies of Eastern Europe and, especially, for the former Soviet Union.
In 1988, he founded the Krieble Institute for the purpose of training individuals from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in business and political leadership.
One issue that received considerable attention throughout the day involved the question of whether events in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe had eliminated or substantially altered the requirement for an effective U.S. nuclear deterrent.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Roundtable Discussion On The B-2 Bomber
Mr. Robinson brought to the discussion of "The State of The Globe -- Markets, Political Pressures, Risk and Rewards" rich experience in the private and public sectors, having served as the Chase Manhattan Bank's Vice President for the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia and as the Senior Director for International Economic Affairs at the Reagan National Security Council.
In the way of background, I am an international banker by training, having served as a Vice President in the International Department of the Chase Manhattan Bank with responsibility for Chase's loan portfolios in the former Soviet Union, Eastern and Central Europe and Yugoslavia.
Two years later the Soviet Union had splintered and the map of central and eastern Europe had been completely redrawn.
Western assistance to consolidate democracy and free enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe is in danger of being shunted aside in favor of the Soviet Union.
While there, he reported on many of the decade's major international stories in Eastern Europe, Northern and Western Africa, the Middle East, the Philippines, Japan and the Soviet Union.
CNN: CNN Profiles - Jim Bittermann - Senior European Correspondent
At the same time, the United States must set an example through its own aid practices and must use its influence with Bonn to ensure that the struggling nations of Central and Eastern Europe are not abandoned as a result of a fixation with aid to the Soviet Union.