Either way, you can now use a credit card to eat at the Golden Arches.
Other than eat at the restaurant, there is little to do inside.
Walker said he chose to eat at the restaurant Wednesday "in support of free speech" and waited 40 minutes to receive his order.
Specifically, when a brand denied using worm meat, consumers were as unwilling to eat at the restaurant as when the brand had done nothing at all.
This might also be a difference that can only be seen by those with both players, but just the thought of it will eat at the obsesive Blu-ray buyer.
ENGADGET: How much of an impact is picture quality on the format war? HD
Until then, Sock plans to stick to the plan that has taken him this far: Embrace the dirt, play aggressive tennis, and eat at the city's one Chipotle as often as possible.
Wicked Spoon, the all-you-can-eat operation at the relatively new Cosmopolitan (every casino hotel in Vegas has a buffet restaurant) actually changed the paradigm of this pretty standardized dining style.
It was very much a case of wanting both the cake and to eat the brioche at the same time.
He says the continued stress of large numbers of deployments could eat away at the Army, taking a decade or more to rebuild the force.
At a corner table, neighborhood regular Lyon Seve(ph) and friends say they sometimes eat lunch at the Chinese restaurant across the street, but when they want a good French meal, they come here.
While Republicans don't want a repeat of last year's disaster aid battle -- which they lost in the court of public opinion -- they expressed frustration that "emergency spending" could eat away at the projected budget surplus.
CNN: Disaster Relief, Military Spending Bill Moves Forward In Senate
Expect increased labor unrest as higher prices eat away at the purchasing power of paychecks.
These events eat away at the social fabric of our society in a disheartening way.
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Higher costs will eat away at the businesses, but should be temporary.
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And Under Armour executives have made no bones about wanting to eat away at the share of the market currently dominated by Nike.
This is classic disruptive innovation where low end, good enough software and systems eat away at the functionality of existing high end scale-up architectures.
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That evening we eat dinner at the only restaurant in town, a steakhouse where the walls are covered with the pelts and glass-eyed heads of wild things.
But there could be a plus side for advertisers, since much of China's recent output of entertainment programming involves copycat shows that eat away at the originals' ratings.
Fall is a great time to try excellent places to eat at from the best restaurants in New York City to the top restaurants of Los Angeles.
FORBES: Best Restaurants In New York, L.A., Chicago, And More Hot U.S. Cities
Similarly, he adds, children who eat dinner at the table with their family aren't eating in front of the TV, a bad habit that often leads to less mindful eating and doesn't teach children how to regulate their food intake.
Wear the same clothes, eat the same foods at the same time, shower at the same time with the same soap, wash your laundry the same way.
"With social jet lag, we're forced to eat at times when the body doesn't want to eat, or isn't prepared for digesting food properly, " he says.
Often he would shut himself in the basement where he could be alone to eat while sitting at the computer with the curtains drawn.
They enter the shops to buy things or go to the town hall to handle administrative matters or eat a meal at the hotel restaurant or drink beer at the tavern and sing lively cat songs.
"But the dreadful memories eat away at you all the time, day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year".
Thurso is the most northern town in Britain, and a popular place to eat is The Red Pepper restaurant at the Holborn Hotel 8 .
As race day approaches the two opposing camps eat meals at opposite ends of the family kitchen, communication is reduced to curt nods, and the feeling of brotherhood is replaced by one of hostility.