The Economic Planning Agency (EPA) has admitted that although corporate spending is improving, consumer demand remains weak.
Hayek wrote a best-selling polemic railing against economic planning, The Road to Serfdom, shortly after World War II.
China's top economic planning body said the magnitude 7.9 quake damaged 391 mostly small dams when it struck Monday.
Malawi's Economic Planning Minister Goodall Gondwe has resigned two days after being charged with treason, along with 11 other top officials.
Taranco was educated at Cornell University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied first economics and then urban-regional economic planning.
The report places great emphasis on the regional framework for conflict resolution and economic planning, privileging it over local, national and international frameworks.
FORBES: In Defense of Political Economy: new ideas on development from the World Bank
Ministries given to Tsvangirai's MDC would include constitutional and parliamentary affairs, economic planning, health, labor, and sport, arts and culture, the paper said.
The top political official in attendance will be Zhang Xiaoqiang, vice chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission, China's economic planning body.
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Tokyo's Economic Planning Agency is projecting fiscal 1999 growth of 0.5%, resisting pressure from the powerful Ministry of International Trade and Industry for a higher forecast.
Unveiling the GDP figures, the Economic Planning Agency (EPA) said public demand jumped 6.0% in the quarter, thanks largely to stimulus packages enacted by the government last year.
His career has been largely one of number-crunching perseverance, away from the public eye, in such glamorous haunts as the state statistics institute and the national economic planning organisation.
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Last week, it produced a report recommending that a regional assembly should take charge of most regional public spending and make decisions about economic planning and development, transport, training, health and the arts.
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But Estrada says Laquian will speak on the economy as a member of the new Economic Coordinating Council, which also includes the secretaries of finance, trade and industry, socio-economic planning, agriculture and the budget.
The power issues spell more trouble for Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who heads the Congress Party-led coalition government and was the architect of the 1991 reforms that ended years of Soviet-style economic planning.
The National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planning agency, is in charge of long-maturity bonds typically issued by major state-run enterprises, while the securities regulator runs a separate exchange-based bond market for listed firms.
According to the report, Peter Mutharika, a brother of the dead president and a former foreign minister, and Mr Gondwe, the current economic planning minister, had suggested to army commander Gen Henry Odillo that the military "just take over", our correspondent says.
After a couple of years, though, economic contingency planning should switch to construction and automobiles.
So now, before another recession hits you, take some time to work through a system for economic contingency planning.
FORBES: Business Planning With Risk of Recession: Economic Contingency Planning
Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at Boston University, author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead, and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc.
When writing about economic contingency planning in the best book about economics for business, I forgot how varied companies are in their planning processes.
FORBES: Global Risk of Recession Rising: The Business Planning Response
The bond quota issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic-planning body, will be used to help the ministry finance the maintenance and construction of a rapidly expanding railway network.
So instead of having governments that are emphasizing the building of racetracks and baseball stadiums, we need to have economic development planning for our municipal areas where we're thinking about the development and production of high-end employment.
Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at Boston University, president of Economic Security Planning, author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead--Ending the World's Ongoing Financial Plague With Limited Purpose Banking, and co-author, with Scott Burns, of Spend 'Til the End.
It has worked with the Federation of Small Business to update planning policy to facilitate economic development and further changes to the planning system to promote economic development are currently out to consultation.
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Inflation has always been viewed as a consequence of poor economic policies or planning.
She encouraged it to do economic development by planning to raise scholarship money to get women training to launch businesses.
This takes some workforce planning and economic analysis, not the typical work of most HR teams.
Mayor Vincent Gray, Victor Hoskins, the deputy mayor for planning and economic development, and several other D.
Ted Weinstein, HPD's director of Bronx planning, said economic diversity is vital for the area.