• Mr Kennedy repeated his party's thesis that the Eisenhower Administration has done too little, too slowly about such matters of national concern as the rate of economic growth, the farm problem, federal aid to education, and health insurance for the elderly.

    ECONOMIST: From the archive

  • Lynch proposes repealing the state's education property tax while Benson proposed capping property taxes for the elderly poor.

    CNN: Lynch leading Benson in N.H. governor race

  • Yokich said Gore was on the UAW's side on the economy, workers' rights, education, the Social Security retirement program and Medicare health care program for the elderly, the environment, and other issues of concern to working families.

    CNN: United Auto Workers backs Gore for US president

  • In the Senate early in the morning, late at night, Ted Kennedy fought and cut deals for minimum wage increases, health care, education, immigration reform, and help for the poor, the elderly and the sick.

    CNN: Kennedy takes with him a time and an era

  • You may not itemize deductions on a form 1040-A. You may claim some credits using the form 1040-A, including the child tax credit, education credits, earned income credit, credit for child and dependent care expenses, credit for the elderly or the disabled and the American Opportunity Credit.

    FORBES: A Beginner's Guide To Taxes: Which Tax Form Should I File?

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