My previous article analyzed the effects of global warming on the African continent from an economic perspective.
This got me thinking about what we, as a nation, could do to stem the effects of global warming.
Scientists presume that carbon sinks can slow the effects of global warming by trapping the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide.
Cruising down this channel in subzero temperatures, it's difficult to imagine Antarctica may be suffering from the effects of global warming.
Next time, I will proffer some solutions and policies we could implement to minimize the catastrophic effects of Global warming in Africa.
Weeks after Superstorm Sandy, scientists are now predicting the near-term and long-term effects of global warming as more dire that previously thought.
There are presently only 260 terrestrial places around the globe where data on carbon-dioxide levels are monitored to help study the effects of global warming.
ECONOMIST: Two new satellites will monitor carbon dioxide emissions
In March 2010, Francisco Lotero and Mariam Coletti shot two of their children before killing themselves after making a suicide pact over fears about effects of global warming.
Dangers like desertification and sea-level rise are also expected to hit the energy-intensive kingdom especially hard, making it an example of both the causes and effects of global warming.
Some scientists and environmental groups promote 350 ppm as a safe level for CO2, but scientists acknowledge they don't really know what levels would stop the effects of global warming.
The schooner has travelled 62, 000 miles across the Atlantic, Pacific, Antarctic and Indian oceans investigating the effects of global warming on biodiversity and marine life, particularly focusing on marine plankton.
Washington is at loggerheads with the EU and much of the rest of the world about how best to save the planet from the potentially devastating effects of global warming.
Egypt's Minister of State for Environmental Affairs, Maged George, predicts that by the year 2020, the effects of global warming will threaten about 15 percent of the land in the Nile Delta.
Some scientists and environmental groups promote 350 parts per million as a safe level for CO2, but scientists acknowledge they don't really know what levels would stop the effects of global warming.
What if energy prices went up enough to force us to telecommute, or the effects of global warming became so severe that laws were passed to keep us from travelling much, even to work or schools.
Current estimates suggest 30% of coral reefs will be endangered by 2050, says O'Dor, because of the effects of ocean acidification and global warming.
Currents estimates suggest 30% of coral reefs will be endangered by 2050, says O'Dor, because of the effects of ocean acidification and global warming.
In this case, however, the Bush administration contends that the science is not clear on global warming or on the effects of regulating carbon emissions.
One of the effects of ozone depletion is to strengthen the winds circling the south pole (see Southern bellwether), and global warming is expected to do something similar.
There are other greenhouse gases, other atmospheric pollutants, the effects of cutting down forests, and more: together these things may contribute almost as much as carbon emissions to global warming.