This tribe, with its colourful garb, stilted homes and elaborately designed wooden bridges, are scattered throughout Guangxi Province.
The feds believe that Al-Zubayi may have faked his own death, including an elaborately staged funeral.
While we are elaborately connected electronically in modern life, we are poorly connected interpersonally.
That the glove ever belonged to Babe Ruth was a complete and elaborately constructed fiction.
Nor is it an elaborately engineered coif to hide a hairline in retreat, as many Trump-watchers imagine.
On the whole, male members of the aristocracy gave gems, while their female counterparts gave elaborately decorated clothing.
But was the whole thing, captured on surveillance camera, an elaborately staged hoax?
CNN: Police: New York couple's apparent abduction was a hoax
The Angel's elaborately woven cope looks like a priest's vestment of the 1430s.
WSJ: Jan van Eyck | 'The Annunciation' | Old Subject, New Approach | Masterpiece | By Richard Cork
Most of the objects on view belonged to men, and although elaborately jewelled, the daggers and swords were entirely functional weapons.
But where the Vanderbilt is known for its small plates, the sophisticated, intimate Battersby serves deliberately paced, elaborately conceived four-course meals.
What would have happened if the storyline were any more elaborately designed?
The building's administrator, hatless, presents the Kloveniers' elaborately mounted ceremonial drinking horn.
WSJ: Civic Pride | National Gallery of Art | Washington Double Dutch | By Karen Wilkin
Now a group of local people want to turn the elaborately decorated building into a media centre for the whole of the community.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Appeal to save old music hall
The extra amount was so elaborately laundered that it was not worth the effort of building it into the cases against the companies.
Turning to the history books for clues, she learned that scholars widely believed the elaborately teased, towering and braided styles of the day were wigs.
WSJ: On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head
Police in Italy say armed raiders have targeted two security vans in an elaborately planned ambush on a motorway, and escaped with a huge haul of gold bars.
Her much-loved harp stands near a remarkable set of chairs, elaborately upholstered with floral motifs (and still sporting their original fabric), created for her boudoir by Georges Jacob.
Chichikov, the character at the heart of Gogol's masterpiece, is a lower-echelon civil servant with a corrupt past who specializes in what Gogol calls "blandiloquence, " or elaborately empty compliments.
WSJ: Surveying the Surging Immensity of Life | Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol | By Joseph Epstein
McDonald's quickly learned from that one restaurant what it took Boston Market 1, 200 to learn: Food and labor costs involved in elaborately prepared take-out meals make for measly profits.
The cover page is elaborately designed with gilded calligraphy.
First, be elaborately gracious--for 15 or 20 minutes, anyway.
It insults our common sense and dignity with excessive paperwork, disconnected visits with too many specialists, and by elaborately hiding from us any clear idea of what we are getting for our money.
But a pint-size scroll about 12 inches tall, with elaborately styled Hebrew text, "can take a few more months of work, " he says, explaining how the smaller characters require a slower, more careful hand.
WSJ: When Handling Precious Scrolls, Torah Lifters Pray for Successful Hoist
Locker rooms and lunchrooms in Department of Sanitation garages are elaborately decorated with found lamps, couches, desks, chairs, sports memorabilia and one-of-a-kind junk, like a foot-tall skiing Santa that sings "Jingle Bells" and gyrates like Elvis.
WSJ: Life Among the 'Garbage Faeries' : Inside the Sanitation Department
The Dutch engraver Johann Theodore de Bry's "Gabonese King Receiving Europeans" (1599) depicts a pair of bemused, elaborately dressed European explorers, before the nude king and queen of Gabon and surrounded by their gesticulating subjects, also nude.
So civil servants have been dusting off their manuals on what to do in case of a hung parliament, and the Lib Dems elaborately refuse to set out the terms on which they would co-operate with either main party in a formal coalition or an informal alliance.
Here is a game that eschews much of what defines the modern shooter genre, that promises an infinite number of customization options, that gives players the capacity to create not just elaborately defined action heroes, but entire worlds and games using the same tools that the developers themselves use in their Unreal Engine 4 action title.
Within the exploding DIY community, Zooey Deschanel-inspired tuxedos or Lisa Frank-inspired leopard prints can be achieved on natural nails, and are just as popular as elaborately painted acrylics or tips adorned with Swarovski crystals (sometimes referred to as " treasure nails" for creating an effect that looks as though the nails were dipped in a treasure chest).
CNN: On main street and the runway, nail art is the new lipstick