Neither of those moves affected the overall electoral vote count in the CNN estimate.
Further, people will flow among and between the states, changing their electoral vote power.
FORBES: Congrats On Your Vote, Too Bad It Probably Didn't Count
Other GOP-controlled state legislatures reportedly contemplating changes to their electoral vote allocation include Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.
Obama ended up taking Florida and won the election by a wide margin in the electoral vote.
Winning the presidency requires a majority of the electoral vote, regardless of who wins the popular vote.
C. elector Barbara Lett-Simmons abstained from casting her electoral vote as a protest against the District's lack of voting representation in Congress.
Similarly in the election for president, the Constitution provides for a popular vote for the people, but an electoral vote by state.
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He graciously said that he wanted this to be the... (interrupted by applause as someone showed him a map of the electoral vote).
When November came, Gore won the popular vote, but, following a series of lawsuits and countersuits that went to the Supreme Court, lost the electoral vote.
In Maine, for example, Kerry is likely to win the electoral vote for the first congressional district while President Bush is expected to win the vote for the second district.
Although Maine and Nebraska never actually split their electoral votes until Nebraska in 2008, one could readily imagine how this kind of split electoral vote could make a big difference in contested battleground states.
FORBES: Campaign 2016 Has Already Begun In A State Legislature Near You
It cited a similar push for change after the 2000 election, when Democratic Vice President Al Gore won the national popular vote but lost the electoral vote, and therefore the decision, to Republican George W. Bush.
Both campaigns know that just a single electoral vote could play a decisive role in what's expected to be a historically close race, and that makes what happens in the event of an Electoral College tie all the more intriguing.
And Democrats, still hurting from 2000 when Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote, have been championing a National Popular Vote that would, as a practical matter, do away with the Electoral College and its impact.
FORBES: Campaign 2016 Has Already Begun In A State Legislature Near You
It was in 2004 that Colorado Democrats recognized that they could take a major step towards locking in the state for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry if they could succeed in scraping their own winner-take-all system and bring proportional representation to the electoral vote in Colorado.
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Instead they are pushing states to adopt a system that is now in effect in Nebraska and Maine, where one electoral vote is awarded to the winner of each congressional district (and the state's at-large-vote winner receives two additional electoral votes, corresponding to the state's two senators.) In Minnesota, for instance, Gore won the state's ten electoral votes.
Maine and Nebraska already have provisions that award electoral votes based on who wins each congressional district. (And each state's at-large vote-winner receives two additional electoral votes, corresponding to the state's two U.S. senators.) In this instance, Kerry could win Maine, but if he lost in one of the state's congressional districts, Bush would get that electoral vote.
In no case did any state that does not tax personal income lose a single Electoral College vote.
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But Ohio only matters if the Electoral College vote is close enough for Ohio to decide the winner.
Well that high-pressure, high-security experience may be hard to come by sans an electoral college vote but a presidential-style vacation is not.
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Incumbent President George W. Bush won the Electoral College vote 292 to 252 and racked up 3 million more votes than Kerry.
CNN: Source: Obama to tap Kerry to be next secretary of state
The electoral college vote takes place a few days later, Dec. 18, leading some observers to wonder whether the current battle could drag into that period.
CNN: Anxious Christopher sounds conciliatory notes
Until a few weeks ago, Mr McCain could depend on this 27-vote electoral treasure.
Mr Penn's strategy may have worked if the Democrats allocated all the delegates in each state to the winner (just as the electoral-college vote is awarded to the winning candidate in the general election in almost every state).
If the coalition works, voters may warm to the idea of power-sharing, and to the proportional voting systems that inevitably give rise to it. (A referendum on the alternative-vote electoral model, which the Lib Dems prefer over Westminster's first-past-the-post system, is part of the deal.) And the Lib Dems got all this despite flopping at the polls.
David Rothschild of PredictWise correctly predicted a 303-electoral-college-vote win for Obama in February.
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Mr Capriles demanded details of an audit of the vote the electoral council says it will carry out.
The measures follow allegations of widespread electoral fraud, including vote-rigging, in the UK since postal and proxy voting were greatly extended in 2001.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Election night dramas 'will stay'
If they are to be cleaner than this year's vote, new electoral authorities are required.
The system operates much like the Electoral College, in which vote-mandated "Electors" ultimately select the U.S. president every four years.