The technology to deliver electrical stimulation has been around for decades but wasn't well developed until recently.
Their results, published recently in the Journal of Neuroscience, show that this is possible using electrical stimulation alone.
The patients that received electrical stimulation plus acupuncture had fewer episodes of vomiting.
The next big boom in medical devices will come from extending electrical stimulation to areas outside the heart, say Yun and Lee.
Electrical stimulation of these synapses releases a chemical called serotonin and this, in turn, somehow stimulates the manufacture of the memory-forming proteins.
Over a period of six months the researchers alternated periods of electrical stimulation with fake stimulation to assess whether it was having an effect.
BBC: The electrodes were placed at specific points in the brain
Once this rat pressed the correct lever, its brain activity was delivered as electrical stimulation into the brain of the second rat - designated the "decoder".
His aim is to come up with a treatment combining drugs, electrical stimulation and plasticity-based therapy to help the 700, 000 Americans each year who are left with some permanent impairment from a stroke.
Cohen Kadosh added that it was important to identify any downsides of this and other similar forms of transcranial electrical stimulation to ensure that boosting one cognitive ability did not lead to damage in another.
Argus II is intended to provide electrical stimulation of the retina to induce visual perception in blind individuals with retinitis pigmentosa and has the capacity to offer life-changing visual capabilities to those currently unable to see anything except, at best, extremely bright lights.
ENGADGET: FDA clears Argus II 'bionic eye' for sale in the US (video)
Applying an electric current and getting a muscle to jump is easy. (Alessandro Volta jolted a frog's legs 218 years ago.) Peckham is harvesting the body's own electrical signals to control muscles that have been cut off from the nervous system, a process called functional electrical stimulation, or FES. Peckham runs a group called the Cleveland FES Center, a collaboration among Case Western Reserve and two Cleveland hospitals.
So it was with a sense of caution that I approached some Swiss research in the latest edition of the journal Science in which paralysed rats were able to walk again after a combination of electrical-chemical stimulation and rehabilitation training.
They used a technique called transcranial direct current stimulation, or tDCS. If you pass a weak electrical current through part of the brain, it temporarily and safely disrupts neural activity.
WSJ: Mind & Matter: Alison Gopnik on Beating the Brain's Curbs on Innovation
One way this was found out was by vibrating whole frogs while recording the electrical impulses from particular cells in their inner ears that were suspected of responding to seismic stimulation.
Since nerve cells use electrical signals, and magnetic fields can induce and disrupt such signals, a strong, well-aimed magnetic stimulation can affect the brain's operation.