South Korea has argued that it shouldn't be wholly reliant on outside counties for the nuclear fuel that powers much of its electrical supply.
Federal researchers who launched an experimental cyberattack last year in Idaho caused a generator to self-destruct, prompting fears about the effect of a real attack on the nation's electrical supply.
That way, Gracias could skip using an electrical power supply and make the devices breathtakingly small.
The creaking electrical-supply system is starved of investment to carry out urgently needed repairs, as is the water-supply system.
Bridge the digital divide by developing adequate infrastructure, in particular, affordable broadband connectivity, widespread mobile technology and reliable electrical power supply.
The county lacked the electrical grid to supply cell towers with power.
Catastrophe would ensue as a result of the ripple-effect that would occur as widespread disruptions occur in the supply of electrical power to other infrastructures that depend on it to operate.
He said the challenge for them was to make the 204 flames "as low-key as possible", which meant that the equipment for each flame had to be as small as possible, including electrical wiring, the gas supply and a flame detector.
For example, how often and for how long owners would plug in to the electrical grid, or a solar supply.
As more reconstruction is completed, electrical loads will increase, probably overwhelming the supply that is now limited by worries about all nuclear power plants.
FORBES: Japan's Economic Forecast, 2012-2013: A Business Perspective
The LED light is a semiconductor chip that requires another chip, called an LED driver, to supply stable power to LEDs, improve electrical efficiency and regulate performance.
The NSA in 2006 came close to exceeding its power supply, which would have blown out its electrical infrastructure.
Electrical power is necessary to support other critical infrastructures, including supply and distribution of water, food, fuel, communications, transport, financial transactions, emergency services, government services, and all other infrastructures supporting the national economy and welfare.
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Due to the frequency of electrical stoppages, the mayor demanded that Chongqing Konka's steady supply be given top priority.
Electrical utilities need to ensure this daytime peak demand load does not exceed their supply capacity.
Each unit can also serve as a source of electrical power for the military, or emergency response, something always in short supply in forward operating positions.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Value of Jake as a ready innovation base
When anticipated supply is sufficiently high, gas undercuts coal as the fuel of choice for electrical generation, which results in reduced carbon dioxide emissions, as natural gas produces only about 50% to 70% of the carbon dioxide per unit output (depending upon your metric) that coal does.