Linking up singers across the Atlantic, however, is impossible, due to the speed of electromagnetic radiation.
The highest electromagnetic radiation reading it found was a seventh of the internationally agreed safe limit.
Dr Haroche worked on photons (the particles of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation).
But over time, the white paint would be reflecting light and other electromagnetic radiation from its surface.
FORBES: An Earth-Killing Asteroid Could Be Deflected With Paintballs
Sales increased in the wake of fears that electromagnetic radiation from the mobile could affect brain tissue.
The telescope gathers and focuses electromagnetic radiation (usually, but not always, visible light) to make far-off objects seem brighter and closer.
The new Australian study found, however, that using hands-free kits can reduce the effects of electromagnetic radiation by more than 90%.
I'm looking outside now and that's electromagnetic radiation - visible light.
The trick is to use metamaterials: materials that owe their characteristics to features of their structure that are smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation.
"It highlights the idea that electromagnetic radiation might act on cells by affecting the attractive forces between them rather than simply causing heat damage to tissue, " she said.
The power needed to operate the device is sufficiently small that it can get all the juice it needs from stray (or transmitted) electromagnetic radiation or miniature solar collectors.
Electromagnetic radiation is all around us, but we're largely unaware that our bodies are constantly bathed in waves of the stuff because our eyes aren't equipped to see most of it.
Perhaps its greatest moment came in 1979 when it was the first telescope to observe a gravitational lens, an effect where a "massive" object bends electromagnetic radiation such as light around it.
"The human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, but for the brain to be impacted, the cell phone has to be close to the head, " Volkow said.
The small study, published in the Journal of American Medical Association, is the first to look specifically at how electromagnetic radiation from cell phones affects glucose metabolism, a normal function, in the brain.
His model predicted that a large number of passengers crowded together, all blathering, sending text messages, or browsing the web on their phones, could produce levels of electromagnetic radiation that exceed international safety standards.
By unleashing a massive pulse of electromagnetic radiation sweeping over the planet, a severe solar storm could potentially knock out the electric power grid, silence radio and satellite communications and disrupt GPS navigation systems.
The Australian research focused on the thermal effects or specific absorption rate (SAR) of radio frequency radiation - a measure of its actual effects on brain tissue, whereas the earlier study simply looked at electromagnetic radiation levels.
Like previous suits over silicone breast implants, electromagnetic radiation and the anti-nausea drug Bendectin, it is being kept alive by a handful of experts who are willing to contradict mainstream scientists to say that mold can make otherwise healthy people sick.
If they truly were perfect opposites, equal amounts of the two would have been made in the Big Bang, and they would have annihilated each other long since, leaving only light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation to fill the universe.
This theory was first aired a year ago following a small-scale study, and was ridiculed by the National Radiological Protection Board, the watchdog on health issues involving radiation and electromagnetic fields.
The new work focuses instead on cold, dense masses of gas that have markedly less random motion, and which emit their radiation in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum.