That was why electronic media, from Al Jazeera to the internet, were so vital.
First, the electronic media, in particular, has been neglecting necessary context in their reports to the public.
Indeed, for every pared-down presentation pumped out by the electronic media, an engaging narrative can be found.
As I say, there is no criticism of Putin in the electronic media.
Literacy may be under attack from electronic media, but that's actually nothing new.
And so, the disposability of electronic media is actually something that makes book people sad, but book readers happy.
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National print and electronic media now covers this process like a mini-Super Bowl.
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" After the Death of Childhood: Growing Up in the Age of Electronic Media", by David Buckingham, Polity Press, 2000.
" No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior", by Joshua Meyrowitz, Oxford University Press, 1986.
Another film screening focused on user-generated content and the various angles which can be adopted through the use of electronic media.
Electronic media, of one sort or another, now occupy every spare moment.
Press kits will be sent to the print and electronic media in the Andean countries, as well as distributed through the National Commissions.
They also emphasized the independent and balance role of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority in ensuring monitoring the issues of spreading hate speeches in the electronic media.
While newspapers remain important as a source of information (they reach over sixty million people each day) nationally, the electronic media has now become dominant.
Private and business customers are increasingly using electronic media to communicate.
Mr Murdoch says that some media firms, at least, will be able to navigate the transition as advertising revenue switches from print-based to electronic media.
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What should be the rules about what newspapers and the electronic media may do, how, and who can complain in what manner when they have done so?
The Center disseminates information, analyses, and policy recommendations via e-mail, fax and its newly designed Web site, as well as through published articles and electronic media interviews.
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As a result, advertisers got used to paying lower costs for electronic media and seeing higher value as they could more easily measure the impact of that advertising.
As well as providing new internet space, officials in Brussels hope the new domain name will help promote the identity of the EU itself on the electronic media.
Like other paper-based distribution businesses, such as newspapers and magazines, demand for greeting cards have been negatively impacted by the proliferation and growing popularity of electronic media distribution.
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As electronic media elicit more personal information, discrimination will increase.
This has surprised many in Pakistan, given that a vibrant private-sector electronic media has lately shown itself to be aggressively competitive in digging up important news and follow-up stories.
Television, radio, films, and other electronic media are powerful forces in conveying information about topics ranging from health and physical fitness to tips on how to manage personal finances.
Maybe Globish is just a worldwide pidgin, but the ease of modern travel and the huge reach of electronic media have vastly increased the kinds of interactions now possible.
The highlighting ethical standards in digital age, media concentration impacts on media's role, hate-speech and self-regulations, challenges to investigative journalism and Media and Information Literacy in both Urdu print and electronic media.
Agencies will use electronic media and formats, including public networks, as appropriate and within budgetary constraints, in order to make government information more easily accessible and useful to the public.
The Archive has conducted over 700 interviews, totaling over 3, 000 hours of footage, which encompass a wide variety of professions, topics and genres of television preserved for history through electronic media.
"I will use the written word, the spoken word and whatever I can in the electronic media to deliver health messages to this country as long as people will listen, " he promised.
The latter was comprised of representatives of a number of British and American law enforcement organizations, politicians, representatives of major British, European and American print and electronic media, human rights activists, academic experts and concerned citizens.