We consider Malaysia to be a strong emerging-market economy and a mining friendly district, which is important to us.
That's a tall order for an emerging-market economy: the worry is that Mr da Silva might be more keen to increase government spending.
China remains a stand-out economy among emerging market fund managers.
By 2015, their population will be so large, that unless the US economy grows like an emerging market, tax revenues from the working age population will unlikely be able to cover the social security and medicare expenses of retired persons.
The U.S. economy has been the new emerging market for much of the past year, beating all of the major advanced economies in terms of GDP growth, and becoming a favorite of big money equity investors from around the world.
Smart Money is not taking their chips off the table on select commodities due to expectations the global economy continues to grow, and emerging market appetite for natural resources underpins continued optimism.
FORBES: Smart Money Is Long Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil And Zero Coupon Treasuries
Decisions had to be made on the basis of unreliable data from a sophisticated industrial economy: government statistics in emerging-market economies are often even more unreliable, making the IMF's job that much more difficult.
In Visa, I saw a company supported by powerful macro trends the shift to a global cashless economy and the rise of the emerging market consumer whose stock price was temporarily depressed due to regulatory fears.
Being the world's largest economy has helped, as has the flight out of emerging-market currencies.
All year long the U.S. economy has been, in the eyes of global investors, the new emerging market.
But the onetime British trading post's ascent into the stratosphere of the world's ultra-wealthy cities in recent years reflects a momentous shift in the global economy, as wealth settles in Asia after more than a decade of booming emerging-market growth.
We have learned that with the right curriculum, American students who spend a good part of a year fully immersed in developing and emerging market countries can gain the perspective and skills necessary to succeed in college and careers in a global economy.
FORBES: 3 Ways Colleges Can Build a Bridge for Future Leaders