• It was founded by Austrian emigre Frank Stronach, who arrived in Canada in 1954 with only the dollars in his pocket.

    BBC: Profile: Car parts maker Magna

  • He had the CANF working on economic transition plans in conjunction with many American companies, and he thought the emigre community could provide vital capital and know-how.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Man Who Lived to Save Cuba

  • Dr Lloyd believes the real artist was Henri-Pierre Danloux, who was an emigre from revolutionary France who settled in Edinburgh in the late 18th Century, around the time the painting is thought to be from.

    BBC: X-rays suggest Skating Minister 'not by Raeburn'

  • Mr Berezovsky was a close friend of murdered Russian emigre and former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who died in 2006 after he was poisoned with the radioactive material polonium-210 while drinking tea at a London meeting.

    BBC: UK

  • There's a crop of young American acts approaching the genre less as ethnomusicology and more like pop, from the hip-hop collage approach of New York's Balkan Beat Box to the emigre garage rock of Los Angeles' Dengue Fever, who headlined the festival's final night.

    NPR: The Musical Worlds of WOMEX

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