Beyster's plan, essentially an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), has made many of his employees millionaires.
The idea of employee stock ownership was tarnished with the fall of Enron and United Airlines.
That discussion is also characterized by employee stock ownership, a counter-intuitive context for failure.
Nypro is owned by chairman Gordon Lankton and an employee stock ownership plan.
It is where most of its U.S. employees hail from, and the company has a relatively generous employee stock ownership plan.
United's employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which held 55% of the airline, never succeeded in soothing strained relations between labor and management.
May predicted that some kind of employee stock ownership plan could very well be an element in the structuring of the American Greetings buyout.
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That literacy paid off last year when the staff acquired the business through an employee stock ownership plan, giving workers an even greater stake in their decisions.
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May has done 15 to 20 deals involving divestitures from public companies, which were transitioned to employee ownership, often through the use of an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP).
The IRS, he says, was forcing him to award dividends within the old employee stock ownership plan in proportion to an individual's ownership in the company, thus excessively rewarding longtime employees at the expense of newer ones.
Third, a policy aimed at facilitating employee ownership: S corporation employee stock ownership plans (S ESOPs) are also a deviation from a pure income tax system, but the benefits of promoting employee ownership are broad based and well established.
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Ms. Cabot, who launched Dansko in 1990 by selling shoes from the back of a Volvo station wagon, says the tax benefits associated with employee stock ownership enabled the S corporation to manage the long-term debt of buying out the couple's ownership stake.
The plans are voluntary and differ from restricted stock, stock options and so-called employee stock-ownership plans, all of which allow companies to grant stock to employees or managers that can't be cashed in until a later date.
It could be stock you got in an employee stock option or stock ownership program.
An employee stock-ownership scheme launched in the 1980s has also softened attitudes.
Known as employee stock-ownership plans, or ESOPs, the move is being embraced by smaller firms, especially those struggling to find buyers during the weak economy.
His deal for the company was built around an employee stock-ownership plan that would create big gains for them if Zell later sold to another buyer--a greater fool?
In the decade since lawmakers first allowed so-called pass-through entities, known as S corporations, to offer employee stock-ownership plans, the number of these firms offering ESOPs has more than doubled, according to Matrix Global Advisors, a consulting firm.
"GE is taking the bull by the horns in taking away the impression that senior officers are able to abuse stock options, " says Scott Roderick of the National Center for Employee Ownership, a nonprofit organization that advises on employee ownership.