Our people survived state encroachment before and triumphed for centuries as an independent and successful people.
Ford resisted as best he could congressional encroachment on traditional presidential prerogatives in conducting foreign policy.
Choose a species that is under attack from human encroachment, poaching or another action.
The main threats to Africa's birds are habitat clearance and the encroachment of farmland, scientists say.
"I saw what is now known as the desertification, the encroachment of the desert, " he remembers.
Some say Bill Clinton, when negotiating as president in the late 1990s, unintentionally speeded Israel's encroachment.
Mr Rogan details the slow encroachment of European imperialism into nearly every corner of the Arab world.
The encroachment of technology on to the trading floors like the NYSE makes for a fascinating visual story.
People worry about changing demographics, the encroachment of Spanish, the fear that the country is becoming Hispanic-ized, etc.
Apple considered the Samsung products to be an encroachment, so much so as to take the battle to court.
The parties also settled a row over the Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde electoral district fuelled by Flemish fears of encroachment by French-speakers.
The judge wasn't much impressed by that rationale and also questioned the condemnation for its encroachment on religious freedom.
This is resented by many Uighurs as yet another encroachment on their traditions.
The transfer of more legal responsibilities to Mr. Klein was seen as an encroachment on the turf of News Corp.
Intriguingly, provinces where tribal structures are strongest, such as Paktia, Paktika and Khost, have proved most resistant to Taliban encroachment.
"Firefox is making very steady encroachment in to the market, " said Adam Vahed, managing director of OneStat UK partner Apache Solutions.
In fact, most locals do not need persuading that the root of the problem is human encroachment rather than elephant greed.
In the Holy Land local churches are caught between Israeli encroachment on their property and Islamist bids to monopolise Palestinian life.
The encroachment of the state-financed funds has also concerned the EU commission.
Any encroachment in the freedoms we do have, may just be a step away from encroaching on the freedoms that you have.
It is not a plan for those whose priority is preserving beauty, or for those who fear the endless encroachment of suburbia.
Healy is alarmed by the encroachment of "screen time" of all kinds--videos, games and computers--into the lives of younger and younger children.
But even that may see some encroachment from the likes of Google.
"That's how we plan to control encroachment, " Mr Khan told the BBC.
Such measures could also help ease the government's worries about the loss of food security arising from the rapid encroachment on rural land.
And United broke the deadlock with a David Goodwillie penalty at the second attempt after his first effort was ruled out for encroachment.
Myanmar's opening, however, is strongly motivated by an anti-Chinese sentiment that is part of a much wider global blowback against its commercial and strategic encroachment.
Yet within his distinctly rural characterization one can sense his disquiet at the gradual encroachment of mercantile Yonkers on the beauty of the Hudson Valley.
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Mr Moi's environment minister says that since the land is already occupied by squatters, the aim is to redefine the borders and prevent further encroachment.
Austrian assertiveness as Ottoman influence declined was compounded with Russian determination to resist any encroachment that threatened her historic interests in the Black Sea region.