Officials say they are treating the incident very seriously as blackbucks are endangered animals in India.
These include the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Center, which cares for and breeds cheetahs and other rare and endangered animals.
In fact, now that it is recognised as a separate species it may immediately qualify under Australia's criteria for endangered animals.
It was about these rare and endangered animals that are tied into the bigger picture of the health of our planet.
It involves one of North America's most endangered animals, the black-footed ferret.
Also, climate change is contributing to the extinction of endangered animals.
They plan to chip the rhinos and other endangered animals with unique radio frequency ID tags, which the drones will be able to recognize and locate.
But every year, a lucky few get the chance to feed, bathe and exercise the endangered animals at the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu, China.
"We implement our international obligations to protect endangered wild animals, and we have always honoured our international obligations, " China's foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters as the auction opened.
In addition to common business challenges like financing and securing customer contracts, the group has spent the better part of the last ten years navigating the National Environmental Policy Act, which means showing why a refinery won't negatively affect everything from flowers and shrubs to endangered species of animals.
The animals are endangered in the wild and protected by international law, but are sometimes illegally smuggled as exotic pets.
Their voracious appetites may also put them in competition with other big animals like the endangered black rhino.
The animals, which are endangered in the wild, are part of a European breeding programme.
Nicholas Garland showed its members as an Endangered Species, bereft in long grass like hunted animals poised on extinction.
The US government will remove wolves from its endangered species list in Wyoming, allowing the state to shoot the animals on sight in most areas.
If Ms Williams does not intend to induce human horror at a pending bestial Armageddon, she at least invokes a future of earthly loneliness, where animals appear only as ceramic-hen butter dishes and endangered-species elastoplasts.
Since then, attempts have been made at cloning other animals including mice, dogs, monkeys, pigs and even some endangered species.
When gray wolves were listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1974, Minnesota hosted one of the only remaining populations of the animals in the lower 48 states.